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Carriers OXP v0.9

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:15 am
by Norby
After requests players can build up a private fleet on [wiki]EscortDeck[/wiki] and transport on a larger ship which still able to dock into stations.

[wiki]Carriers[/wiki] has a unique feature to sit into any escort and fight in a fast and agile ship instead of the big one, then after combat land on the Carrier and sit back into the main ship.


Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:55 am
by spud42
Damn thats a fine looking ship...
the carrier can hold 50t and each cobra mkI holds 10t ,you have 5 docked so thats a total capacity of 100t? or is it that the cargo capacity IS the 5 cobras?

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:54 am
by mossfoot
I love it, but how is it meant to be used by players? Are there squadmate/wingman commands I'm not aware of? Is this a 1.8 thing?

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:58 am
by Norby
spud42 wrote:
Damn thats a fine looking ship...
The ship model is offered by Thargoid for this project (here is the original ship) what I shrinked down to 30% to make a little brother which can fit into normal docks. Fortunately the carried ships nicely fill the side decks so I do not need to made a new model. I am a programmer so I love script making but I can not make nice models yet.
spud42 wrote:
the carrier can hold 50t and each cobra mkI holds 10t ,you have 5 docked so thats a total capacity of 100t? or is it that the cargo capacity IS the 5 cobras?
The total cargo capacity is 100t with 5 Cobra Mark I on board, but you will not see this in one piece. You will be able to switch between your ships when you are in a dock but you will see one cargo bay at a time. If your goal is a really big trader ship then gather enough money to buy two Anacondas into your carrier. ;)
mossfoot wrote:
I love it, but how is it meant to be used by players? Are there squadmate/wingman commands I'm not aware of? Is this a 1.8 thing?
You bought all ships so should follow your commands. For example you can choose your ship before combat and others will serve you as escorts, including the Carrier. Many commands like "attack my target" are implementable in scripts so I think this will be well playable in Oolite 1.77 also.

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:09 am
by Thargoid
I should add for completeness and to give due credit that the texturing on the model in the image is by PA Groove. It's an interesting idea, so I was quite happy to allow the ship to be shrunk and re-used for the task.

Also as the license for this OXP is slightly different from the one I used in Aquatics, again for completeness I will state here that I have no problem with this fact (just for the record).

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:18 am
by Diziet Sma
Norby wrote:
If your goal is a really big trader ship then gather enough money to buy two Anacondas into your carrier. ;)
That carrier can "dock" a pair of Anacondas? :shock:

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:30 am
by spud42

TWO ??? 1500T plus a measly 50 from the carrier?
OMG..... i cant imagine how you could fill that!
i still have trouble getting 35t of computers from some stations....

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 12:05 pm
by Griff
:shock: wow, awesome work guys - good luck with the coding!

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:48 pm
by Norby
spud42 wrote:
1500T plus a measly 50 from the carrier?
OMG..... i cant imagine how you could fill that!
There are more hundred t cargo contracts in Interfaces (F4) sometimes. When you start deliver these to the other side of the galaxy and you accept just one more in every system then you will be filled before the end of the way.
Diziet Sma wrote:
That carrier can "dock" a pair of Anacondas? :shock:
This is at the high end of the list and must pull up the noses a bit to fit but yes, there is enough space between the Carrier's hull and the dock walls.


Another example: 9 Fer-De-Lances, plus 2 Adders and 2 Geckos on extended decks (costs extra money and can hold small ships only):
Imagine the furball between a pirate ferdie carrier and a galcop carrier with 12 vipers. ;)
Griff wrote:
:shock: wow, awesome work guys - good luck with the coding!
Thanks also for the carried models! :)
Also to CaptSolo for the non-shader textures and all others who I forgot to mention. ;)

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:04 pm
by Diziet Sma

I'm wondering though, if the 'Condas might fit better with the sterns forward, and the prows tucked into the cutouts of the outside engine nacelles..

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:31 pm
by Norby
Barely possible, but there are empty spaces near the center, so I do not know which is better.


Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:26 pm
by Norby
Ok, only the second case provide enough room for 2 Sidewinders in front. ;) Thanks, Diziet!

The reversed direction is not neccesary due to can hang out sideways in front also.
Here is a trader fleet with good defense:

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:23 am
by Diziet Sma
I wonder if a better fit could be found by rolling the 'Condas by 90°, so the upper (or lower) side faces inwards, instead? Anacondas have a pretty broad ass.. perhaps rolling them over slightly might allow them to "tuck in" better, and improve the fit? Because really, this is space we're talking about.. there is no up or down, it's only visual aesthetics that makes us want to put all the ships "the right way up".

It might make docking easier too.. after all, there's a good reason why 'Condas dock sideways.. you might have less trouble getting into stations if you park them rolled over 90°.

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.1

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:25 am
by Norby
Thank you for the idea. I thinked on it but the model of Anaconda has 77m width and I want to keep the height (second number in the 4. yellow line in my pictures) within 64m to all numbers fit into the dock size and not only be able to dock, which is not equal.

If you have a ship with enough narrow and long neck and the nose be able to hit the center of the dock then the docking sequence will be initiated. This is the reason why Anacondas can dock sideways - seems to be sideways but behind the docking animation need to be locked by robot arms and turned to the right position before be able to pull in the wide rear section.

A smaller roll is not possible also: the diagonal step over the limit because the 63m height of Anaconda so the last picture above is the best position imho.

Re: [WIP] Carriers OXP v0.2

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:02 pm
by Stormrider
Anaconda carrier docking with ease, looking awesome. 8)
But I am getting this in my latest log:

Code: Select all

14:04:47.410 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find vertex program carriers-ahruman-generic.vertex.
Latest version from oxz manager in latest version of 1.80...also very awesome, thanks devs.