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Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:20 am
by Cody
Not sure if this might have been mentioned before - but hey, it's got Elite pre-installed.

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:51 pm
by Norby
Cool click&play, but do not press the Home button. ;)

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 10:53 pm
by CommRLock78
I heard about this recently - the link is the 'live' version that runs right in the browser.

Edit: looks like Norby beat me to it :).

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 10:56 pm
by CommRLock78
I wish we had had these things in the US. They seemed like such cool early home computers 8).

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:06 pm
by NigelJK
Don't know about it not being famous for being fast, but we bench tested one against a (Zenith) 286 based XT and in interpreted BASIC (the only language available to both - BBC had C and Pascal iirc) the Beeb was 4-10 quicker on our tests, and if we added the 'run from boot' option then the Beeb had booted and completed the test before the XT had got as far as running the autoexec.bat.

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:06 am
by UK_Eliter
I can't work out how to launch from the station on the emulated Elite. There's no F0 key, and numpad-0 didn't work either!

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:49 pm
by Norby
Press F10 then F1 (I do not know why). I am missing a key which slow the ship but successfully docked at Zaonce.

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:24 pm
by Cody
This may help:


Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:35 pm
by UK_Eliter
Thanks! F10 to launch worked, though I think I had to hold the key for a bit. Now, if I can just remember how to fly this thing . .

Re: Acorn BBC Micro in JS

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:07 am
by CommRLock78
Cody wrote:
This may help:
Excellent - thanks Cody 8).