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Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:32 am
by iperich
I know there's an "official" thread for this subject, but is a loooong thread to read it all and it is, in general, about graphics and combat gameplay. Since the first time i knew about the E:D project i thought "The graphics will be better, with high hardware requirements, it will be multiplayer (you can make big money that way)". But I've never trusted E:D about the story one is generating in the game. I mean, I installed a lot of mission oxp's randomly when i started to play Oolite, so my story is very complex and very cool!! (IMO :lol: )

So, from watching the videos in Youtube i know that, in fact, it have very good graphics and gameplay, but I guess that there's no such thing that OXP's nor the community Oolite has.

So, given the fact that the graphics are superb, how is E:D in the "story" aspect of the game?

Because, let me tell you, despite the risk of sound heretic and get my head on a stick, in that sense i prefer Oolite than the original Elite.

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 2:51 pm
by Doug Stuart
That is a good question, I would like to know that too!
would your whole career be just in your "save"?

What will the timeline be , one century after Elite F.F.?
and will it have a rich storyline at all?

Paging Drew Wagar , E.D. is on the other line about a Job!!!

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 3:21 pm
by Cody
iperich wrote:
... how is E:D in the "story" aspect of the game?
Doug Stuart wrote:
That is a good question, I would like to know that too! [snip] and will it have a rich storyline at all?
Michael Brookes, FD's Executive Producer, is writing a novella which will be included with the released game. It has been suggested that it will be the 'sequel' to TDW, but who knows? Canon has been 'reimagined'. It will certainly set the scene, backstory, and all that stuff. Will I be reading it? Hmm... doubtful!

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:47 pm
by Griff
Cody wrote:
Canon has been 'reimagined'
and in lots of weird ways too... i read one of the gollancz tie in novels the other day, it wasn't a bad book but there were a couple of references to one of the characters having started out piloting a cobra mk ii. i was most vexed :?

how's your willpower holding out cody? watched any of the gameplay vids yet? i couldn't help myself and have watched a few, game is really starting to look awesome but i do feel like it's taken a bit of the shine off when i get to play it myself in a couple of months

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:04 pm
by Cody
Griff wrote:
... how's your willpower holding out cody?
Fine - I still ain't watched any vids. A Cobra Mk II, you say? I doubt that I'll be reading any of the fiction, anyway.

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:18 pm
by Griff
yeah, was mentioned a few times so i don't think it was a typo, seems a strange thing to change in the game backstory. it was the "elite wanted" book, quite good i thought.
i really liked the docking is dangerous book too, it's not really tied too closely to elite bar a few concepts and names, was really fun to read, it's packed with jokes :D

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:53 pm
by JazHaz
Griff wrote:
yeah, was mentioned a few times so i don't think it was a typo, seems a strange thing to change in the game backstory. it was the "elite wanted" book, quite good i thought.
i really liked the docking is dangerous book too, it's not really tied too closely to elite bar a few concepts and names, was really fun to read, it's packed with jokes :D
Suggest reviewing the book on Amazon and give a low rating for them not checking the game's history.

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:50 pm
by Tricky
JazHaz wrote:
Griff wrote:
yeah, was mentioned a few times so i don't think it was a typo, seems a strange thing to change in the game backstory. it was the "elite wanted" book, quite good i thought.
i really liked the docking is dangerous book too, it's not really tied too closely to elite bar a few concepts and names, was really fun to read, it's packed with jokes :D
Suggest reviewing the book on Amazon and give a low rating for them not checking the game's history.
I thought the books were reviewed by FD first. If there is a fault then it is with them unless they are intending on bringing the MkII into canon.

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:01 pm
by Smivs
<mutters something about canon-balls>

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:44 am
by drew
Yes, we (the Fantastic fic authors) picked up the Cobra mk ii issue when reading the Gollancz books. It got past the Frontier censors (sensors? :D) but not ours.

I think that's what you get when you don't have arguably 'real' fans writing the stories. The Cobra mk ii has never been mentioned in any of the official guides, thus the only canon reference remains the original 'Elite manual' where it is referenced as a failed design due to a design fault in the hull, - thus it never flew.

Michael Brookes sequel to TDW? In name only really, he's called it a 'spiritual successor' rather than a direct sequel in the traditional sense. He was first in line when DB started thinking about books for ED and thus nabbed that chance. Can't blame him really! As far as I know he hasn't started writing it yet.

As for the narrative. We've all been asked to provide Frontier with story elements from our books for Elite: Dangerous. Is there a grand narrative for the game? Unsure at present. There will certainly be 'events' that take place, an encounter with the Thargoids be a surefire one. Various areas of the galaxy are being pegged out as 'off-limits' for now, so that they can be reserved for new adventures.

As for the history. ED is set in 3300, the politics has moved on from 3250 (FFE era) with the Alliance being bigger and bolder. Mankind has spread out further, and the introduction of the new hyperdrives (fast travel compared to previous gen hyperdrives) is upsetting the balance of power...



Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:48 pm
by Thargoid
Did you find a MkII hanging by a hanger in a hangar? :lol:

Re: Elite: Dangerous overall rating until now?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:22 pm
by Zireael
Thargoid wrote:
Did you find a MkII hanging by a hanger in a hangar? :lol: