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1.79 oxp changes?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:52 pm
by Dr.Tripsa
I've been looking around the wiki and while 1.79 's new features are mentioned here and there, there doesn't appear to be a concise list of what's new and what's being changed. I realize 1.79 is still very much in the testing phase but a change-log for those hoping to take advantage of 1.79's feature would be handy.

If it already exists just um point me in it's direction and let's not mention it LOL :oops:

Re: 1.79 oxp changes?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:01 am
by another_commander
The latest changelog available is on github under this link: ... NGELOG.TXT

Note that the changelog refers to version 1.80. Don't worry about it, 1.80 is the version number that 1.79 will be switched to once it's out of final testing and ready for release.

Re: 1.79 oxp changes?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:09 am
by cim
The raw changelog you can pull out of version control at ... NGELOG.TXT

The [wiki]OXP_standards[/wiki] page covers some important items which have changed since 1.77, too.

Documentation on the Wiki is up to date for 1.79 for the details. A few new pages that may be of interest:
  • [wiki]Oolite Ship Roles[/wiki]
  • [wiki]Oolite System Populator[/wiki]
  • [wiki]Oolite PriorityAI Tutorial[/wiki]