The hyperdrive status displays "out of range" in case that the target system is several jumps away, so, while it is correct, this would be much more useful if it used the "next system in the sequence of jumps to the final destination" - logic.
The hyperdrive status displays "out of range" in case that the target system is several jumps away, so, while it is correct, this would be much more useful if it used the "next system in the sequence of jumps to the final destination" - logic.
Thanks for the heads up . I'll put it to my todo list.
While I was at it, I decided to simplify things a bit. Hence another update (1.3.5) in such a short time. Originally (all the way from the original Aad-HUD and it's distance calculation functionality) I tried to fulfill all requests for different kinds of ways to calculate distances. As a result the oxp was infested with some deprecated and very likely non-functional settings. These have now been cleaned out. Left in are two variables to set the unit and unit basis.
* this.$distUnit. This sets the unit shown in MFD. By default set to "OU" (ostronomical unit). Set to "km" or "klicks" or whatever desired.
* this.$ostronomicalUnit. This sets the basis for one unit in meters. By default set to "906044" which is the distance between Sun and Planet in Lave in an unmodified game. For kiloometers, set to 1000.
Thanks Cody. Version 1.3.7 should fix this problem. It's the route planner that's giving the headache here. The main problem is that when you're in interstellar space, the planner calculates the route from your previous location. Even the fuel calculation in f6 screen is misleading when the planner is on (calculated from the previous system).
23:26:14.908 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (navi_mfd 1.3.7): Error: System.infoForSystem: Invalid arguments (2, undefined) -- expected galaxy ID and system ID.
23:26:14.908 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined]: E:\Oolite-Trunk/, line 127.
... probably related to me having just been in interstellar space.
Thanks, bug found and fixed in 1.3.8. The culprit was plotting the route to/from an isolated system. Haven't got around checking your previous report. If I'm lucky, this might do something about that too. Most likely not, but one can always hope .