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Buy a business

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:39 am
by willo
To add an extra dimension to the game, I think it would be fun if you could have the option to buy a business. This option would be available when you reach a certain level e.g Deadly and/or have gained a number of credits (say 500.000).
You could get into the sports business selling hockey sticks, for the interstellar Olympics; or the alcohol business selling mind brews; or be a food retailer selling worm grubs.
The business would have risks and profit would not be guaranteed, e.g if you were in the arms business in a system at war, you may be robbed by pirates losing profit, or on the other hand make good profits if the business is in a system selling arms where there is a civil war.
I am sure many random variables could be added.
This idea would be intended as a secondary sideline to the game.
Who knows you may make it to be a giant interstellar corporation with power throughout the Ooniverse!

Re: Buy a business

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:38 am
by Smivs
Perhaps you could start a business renting out warehouse storage space 8)

Re: Buy a business

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:18 am
by willo
:lol: Commander Smivs :lol:

Re: Buy a business

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:09 am
by JazHaz
You've already got a business in this game, that of a trader/bounty hunter/pirate etc. Why would you want another one?

Re: Buy a business

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:29 am
by willo
It seems also that you like the option of diversity in the game Jaz Haz, namely pursuing different possibilities (i.e trader, bounty hunter e.t.c).
People would lose interest if they were restricted to only being a bounty hunter, with no other possibilities within the game.
It is the same reason why people develop OXP's to add more stimulus and diversity to the game to make it more interesting.
In effect you have answered your own question Jaz Haz.

Re: Buy a business

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:59 am
by Sendraks
[quote="JazHaz"]You've already got a business in this game, that of a trader/bounty hunter/pirate etc...quote]

....Taxi driver, UPS delivery man, Contract hauler, Escort, Miner.

But, there is always room for something more.
I dunno if anyone remembers the excellent game Hardwar which was set on Titan (iirc) and in that you could open different trading centres at various points in the game world as another means of bringing in cash. Could be an interesting addition to Oolite if someone wanted to OXP it in.

Although if you're getting to the point where your game time involves playing the stockmarket, I'd suggest EvE might be the better option than Oolite.