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iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:26 pm
by Boomzilla
Hi all, quick question. The wiki page on the iguana says it has two forward weapon mounts. When I purchase it in-game it shows a front and a rear mount. Am I missing something hear or is that an old feature that's been taken away?

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:37 pm
by Smivs
Hi boomzilla :)
Player ships can only have one weapon per mount. NPCs can have multiple lasers, but this is not really recommended anymore. Previously NPC weapons were less effective than the player equivalent and using multiple guns was a simple way OXP authors could 'beef-up' the NPCs to player levels (or better!). However, since v1.77 (I think) player and NPC lasers are the same, so only the fiercest NPCs (eg Green Gecko) should use them.

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:46 pm
by Boomzilla
Thought it was probably that but I wanted to make sure it wasn't just two OXPs fighting :D

thanks for the quick response!

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:11 pm
by Sendraks
Smivs wrote:
However, since v1.77 (I think) player and NPC lasers are the same, so only the fiercest NPCs (eg Green Gecko) should use them.
I thought it was 1.79 that brought about laser parity and also accuracy, or is it just the latter.

If 1.77 did bring about the advent of laser parity between players and NPCs, that would explain the "OMGWTFHAPPENEDTOMYSHIELDS" which occurs in combat against various ships. I'm guessing an Iguana at close range with 2 Mil lasers is going to burn through most vessels shielding quite quickly.

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:29 pm
by hiasakite
I met a couple of rattle-cutters whilst playing military fiasco on v1.79 a few weeks... a spectaculary quick way to die!!! (Even in an iron-ass caddy)

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:13 am
by Sendraks
hiasakite wrote:
I met a couple of rattle-cutters whilst playing military fiasco on v1.79 a few weeks... a spectaculary quick way to die!!! (Even in an iron-ass caddy)
The cutter has always been a vessel to take seriously, even prior to 1.77. My tactic is to close range quickly and get behind the bugger so it cannot bring its weapons to bear.

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:21 pm
by Commander McLane
Sendraks wrote:
hiasakite wrote:
I met a couple of rattle-cutters whilst playing military fiasco on v1.79 a few weeks... a spectaculary quick way to die!!! (Even in an iron-ass caddy)
The cutter has always been a vessel to take seriously, even prior to 1.77. My tactic is to close range quickly and get behind the bugger so it cannot bring its weapons to bear.
… and then shoot off its lasers one by one, until the poor thing is as defenseless as a sitting duck. And then terminate it with extreme prejudice! :twisted:

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:37 pm
by V12
I'm using hit&run tactic :
When I see multiple laser beams from one point (O noooo, opponent is Hydra, Hydra II, Cutter or Basilisk), hit the injectors, change course to this point and run in the corkscrew to the target's six o' clock, fire long burst combined with mining railgun fire and run 20 km away. Then on chaoticaly changing course cool down laser and repeat attack. Going in the straight line longer than 5 seconds is ticket to the hell :twisted:
With this tactic I survived coordinated attack of the 2 Hydras and 2 Cutters in the Military Fiasco without any missile shoot. But it was very long firefight, I expended totaly 5 l.y. WS fuel - 2 from main tank and 3 from internal auxiliary tanks.
When the opponent is alone, it is relatively easy kill.

Another way is Primable Laser level III - it is like a turkey shooting from 24 km. Now, I'm flying iron assed ex Navy Sunracer and not using P-Laser, game is very easy with this mega weapon.

Re: iguana - two forward weapon mounts?

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:41 pm
by ClymAngus
I removed cutters from my game, they hurt the fun. They are like a room full of razor blades weeping lemon juice.

Can't snipe them because they're too small, they can turn on a dime and their front end is worse than captain halitosis in a lift.

Nasty bastard, ships.

I commend the maker. It takes a lot to make me admit defend.