I don't know if this can be accomplished by adding a few well placed entires in the AI files or if it should be done by script, so therefore the question.
- When NPC's enter station aegis to dock to the station, how could we make them switch on nav lights. A red one on the left and a green one on the right. If this could be done with flashers on the "wingtips", that would be cool, noting too fancy in the sense of shaders. A bit like Commander Mc Lane's docking assistant script when activated. They should be able to be positioned per ship like the exhaust plumes (xyz).
Of course, NPC's flying from witchpoint to Station don't want to advertise their whereabouts to pirates, and light up like x-mas trees.
So when they leave the station aegis or entering witchspace, they should turn the flashers off.
Does anybody like this idea, and can someone tell me how to accomplish this ?
I must admit it was Smivs that gave me the idea with his shippack, but I just wanted the ships to switch them on near the station, not all the time.
- open shipdata.plist of ship you would like to add flashers to and add them as subentities (cobra Mk 1 example):
Code: Select all
subentities = (
type = "flasher";
position = (-30.97, -1.27, -7.62);
color = redColor;
initially_on = no;
frequency = 1;
size = 12;
type = "flasher";
position = (30.97, -1.27, -7.62);
color = greenColor;
initially_on = no;
frequency = 1;
size = 12;
Code: Select all
initially_on = no;
If you want them to be permanently on (like in Smiv's shipset) change the code from
Code: Select all
frequency = 1;
Code: Select all
frequency = 0;
Go camp around a station entrance and do some Cobbie Mk 1 spotting. Please report those that do not use their flashers.
Some nice screenshots of a Cobra Mk 3 docking at Zaonce with Frontierspace background:
Pic 1 waiting for clearance (no nav lights)
Pic 2 docking (nav lights on)