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I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:16 am
by Hawk1975
Hey Pilots,

From the first day playing i have the StarWars ships.oxp installed. After a Long and hard road earning some credits with trading, the time has come to buy one of the StarWars ships. I don't know what goes wrong for me, but every ship from this oxp (A-Wing or B-Wing nor X-Wing...) is not able to carrry a laser Forward.
Loaded again and again, tryed other ships, install the oxp again ... nothing helps. It's impossible for this ships to carry one Forward laser.

If there is someone who knows about this Problem, i would be very glad for some help or tips.

Thanks from Hawk

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:25 am
by Smivs
Hi Hawk, and welcome to the Board :)
I can't help with your problem I'm afraid, but I expect that somebody who can will be along shortly.

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:16 pm
by Hawk1975
Thanks for your welcome Smivs.

Did you never have flown one of these ships? I can't believe that i'm the only one who ever noticed this Problem before (or it only Counts to me)

Now i bought the Starwolf MK1 for 650000cr. To install a Forward weapon is no Problem, but he is not so Manoeuvrability.

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:30 pm
by Norby
Welcome Hawk1975!

It is another OXP without license, so I am not allowed to make a fixed version for you, but you can fix it with any text editor (except notepad): open all config/shipyard.pist files within .oxp subfolders and replace the number 20 near the end after weapon_facings to 15 or less but odd number.

All of these files are dated in 11 Jun 2006, and the wiki page of shipyard.plist says since April 2006‎ that this is a binary field where the forward direction is in the first bit so should be an odd number here.

On top of all mystics the B-wing is set to 30 (no reason to set anything over 15 and also can not fire forward), and the Lambda shuttle is surprisingly set to the correct 15.

My poetic question: can these ships fire sideways? If you want to allow forward laser only for some reality then use number 1.

Moreover these ships a bit oversized imho (or use an 5., even larger scale than anything in Oolite ;) ). For example the smallest A-wing fighter with his 121x78m footprint is similar with a football stadium and his 48m height can hold 16 floors. I think 45x30x8m should be better which is the size of an Adder in this chart.

Other infos are in the Star Wars.OXP topic.

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:38 pm
by Paradox
Norby wrote:
Welcome Hawk1975!

It is another OXP without license, so I am not allowed to make a fixed version for you, but you can fix it with any text editor (except notepad): open all config/shipyard.pist files within .oxp subfolders and replace the number 20 near the end after weapon_facings to 15 or less but odd number.

All of these files are dated in 11 Jun 2006, and the wiki page of shipyard.plist says since April 2006‎ that this is a binary field where the forward direction is in the first bit so should be an odd number here.

On top of all mystics the B-wing is set to 30 (no reason to set anything over 15 and also can not fire forward), and the Lambda shuttle is surprisingly set to the correct 15.

My poetic question: can these ships fire sideways? If you want to allow forward laser only for some reality then use number 1.

Moreover these ships a bit oversized imho (or use an 5., even larger scale than anything in Oolite ;) ). For example the smallest A-wing fighter with his 121x78m footprint is similar with a football stadium and his 48m height can hold 16 floors. I think 45x30x8m should be better which is the size of an Adder in this chart.

Other infos are in the Star Wars.OXP topic.

Funny how things like this happen when there is no standardized scale... :twisted: (How is that for a hit and run! I'm out od here!) :twisted:

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:54 pm
by Cody
Paradox wrote:
Funny how things like this happen when there is no standardized scale...

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:53 am
by Hawk1975
Thank you Norby for your help.

Could it be that all changes in the shipyard.plist only affect to the game when the changes are done before moving the oxp Folder into the AddOns Folder of the main game ?

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:13 am
by Smivs
Still not working?
You may need to flush the cache. Change the 'weapon_facings' in the shipyard.plist as Norby suggested -you can do this with the OXP in the AddOns folder - then when you re-start the game, hold down the 'shift' key until you see the spinning Cobra at the start of the game. Changes should then take effect.
Just to confirm, if these ships should only have a forward laser the line in shipyard.plist should look like this.

Code: Select all

"weapon_facings" = 1;
if the plist is written in the preferred openStep code, or

Code: Select all

if it uses the old style XML code.

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:08 pm
by Commander McLane
Paradox wrote:
Funny how things like this happen when there is no standardized scale...
Nope. Things like this happen when ship designers ignore the standardized scale (which may happen out of ignorance, or even willfully; one never knows).

The standardized scale is (and was already in 2006) given through the sizes of the core ships, which are standardized and scale reasonably well next to each other, don't they?

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:59 pm
by Norby
Hawk1975 wrote:
Could it be that all changes in the shipyard.plist only affect to the game when the changes are done before moving the oxp Folder into the AddOns Folder of the main game ?
A new subfolder in AddOns is always flush the cache, else you must use the Shift key as Smivs said or set always-flush-cache to true in .GNUstepDefaults.

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:35 pm
by Hawk1975
Ok, holding down the shift-key while launching the game, refreshes all changes made to the installed AddOns ... ?
that is good to know.

And now after changing the "weapons_facings to 1" these ships really carry one forward laser. It worked.

Thanks for your help pilots !

Please tell me one last thing; what needs to be done that a ship in the shipyard to buy, only is a standard version without any extra equipment. Only delete the files under "optional_equipment" ? These extra equipment is often much too expensive. I think it will be better you could choose everything you need on your own and buy it later...if it's possible.

Re: I need help with the Star Wars Ships oxp

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:42 pm
by cim
Hawk1975 wrote:
Please tell me one last thing; what needs to be done that a ship in the shipyard to buy, only is a standard version without any extra equipment. Only delete the files under "optional_equipment" ? These extra equipment is often much too expensive. I think it will be better you could choose everything you need on your own and buy it later...if it's possible.
Deleting from under "optional_equipment" will mean you can't install it later either. If you think they tend to have too much fitted, then try reducing the "chance" value in the shipyard.plist - the higher it is, the more of the optional equipment they're likely to come with. Also look for them at planets close to the techlevel of the ship - higher tech planets fit more optional equipment.