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Military Shield Enhancement

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:34 am
by Mad Hollander
How can I enable Military Shield Enhancement for ships such as Adder , Python or Moray Medical ?
I need this for my oxp.

Re: Military Shield Enhancement

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:34 am
by Smivs
As you have noticed not all ships can fit mil shields. It is mostly the 'older' designs (and small ships) which cannot have them. I've always assumed that this is an 'in-game' device to differentiate between different sizes of ship, and it also allows some to be 'cheaper' and others to be more desirable.
It is possible to allow all ships to have them - this is controlled (for player ships at least) by the 'optional_equipment' list in the shipyard.plist, so to allow those ships which can't normally have them to get them a shipyard-overrides.plist could be used to add them to the list of allowed equipment.
The only potential problem here is that in doing this - I'm assuming that you want to give players using such ships the option to buy mil shields - is that the shipyard-overrides.plist would allow any of these ships to buy them at any time while the OXP is installed, and this would remove the differentiation between ships and their relative desirability.
Alternatively, if you wish to award mil shields to a player who doesn't already have them, this could be done by script irrespective of the ship type the player is flying.

Re: Military Shield Enhancement

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:06 pm
by Commander McLane
Smivs wrote:
Alternatively, if you wish to award mil shields to a player who doesn't already have them, this could be done by script irrespective of the ship type the player is flying.
I don't think so. If an equipment item isn't available for a ship (either through shipyard.plist or through the available_to_all condition in equipment.plist, it cannot be awarded by script.

@ Mad Hollander: I think it's good that not all ships are the same, have not the same stats, and not every ship can fit each equipment item. Otherwise, what would be the point of having more than one ship type in the game? Thus I wouldn't touch this.

Re: Military Shield Enhancement

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:19 pm
by Smivs
Commander McLane wrote:
Smivs wrote:
Alternatively, if you wish to award mil shields to a player who doesn't already have them, this could be done by script irrespective of the ship type the player is flying.
I don't think so. If an equipment item isn't available for a ship (either through shipyard.plist or through the available_to_all condition in equipment.plist, it cannot be awarded by script.
Er, yes, now I think about it, that is the case. :oops:

Re: Military Shield Enhancement

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:21 pm
by Mad Hollander
Smivs thanks, it does work !

Re: Military Shield Enhancement

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 7:33 pm
by Mad Hollander
what would be the point of having more than one ship type in the game
Adder is very interesting ship in the game. Until you have lot's of money, you won't be able to have adder, because it is very difficult to do that using adder.
Another thing - even with military shield adder is not the strongest standard ship. Actually, single energy unit and single laser is very serious restriction