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Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:49 am
by Paradox
Help!? I am preparing my rendition of the Planet Express for release.


However, this is another example of me not worrying about scale vs. stats etc... In my Ooverse, it was about the size of a Fer-De-Lance at ~85 meters... And I think ~150 for cargo capacity... Ya, like I said, it was just for my own use. But I would really appreciate some input/opinions on possible stats for an official release. I have kitted her out with front and rear lasers, and all the images I found had the 2 recesses on each side of the front landing gear door that I am assuming are missile ports..? Anyways, ideas on size, cargo capacity, speed, maneuverability, etc... would be very much appreciated!

Thanks gang!

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:19 am
by Diziet Sma
I'm not too sure about dimensions/stats at this point.. but yes, those are missile ports (torpedo tubes, actually) either side of the front landing-gear door. (Did you know the official name for that green is "Electric Mucus"? :shock: )

I found some blueprints online with an estimated internal layout pieced together from clues in various episodes.. it seems the ship probably has 3 decks, rather than the usually presumed 2, so that would argue for larger dimensions than might otherwise be expected. ... rints.html


Upper Deck

Middle Deck

Lower Deck

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:59 am
by Paradox
Diziet Sma wrote:
I'm not too sure about dimensions/stats at this point.. but yes, those are missile ports (torpedo tubes, actually) either side of the front landing-gear door. (Did you know the official name for that green is "Electric Mucus"? :shock: )
Lovely... };]
Diziet Sma wrote:
I found some blueprints online with an estimated internal layout pieced together from clues in various episodes.. it seems the ship probably has 3 decks, rather than the usually presumed 2, so that would argue for larger dimensions than might otherwise be expected.
Definitely more room than I thought there would be, just wish they had given a definitive size... The other stats are not so important really, as people can easily edit the shipdata.plist and make it whatever kind of ship they want, but changing dimensions is a much bigger pain and project that others may not have the software/knowledge to do for themselves... and it means a huge re-write of the plist. I guess I could take what appears to be Leela's bed, consider that 2 meters, and go from there... If no one else has any ideas, I will do that tomorrow. Great link man! Thanks!

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:21 am
by Diziet Sma
Paradox wrote:
I guess I could take what appears to be Leela's bed, consider that 2 meters, and go from there... If no one else has any ideas, I will do that tomorrow
That does seem about the only thing with a really definitive size.. good idea.

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:19 am
by dertien
That is very sexy sir, Lovely color too.

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:55 am
by metatheurgist
Have you tried asking on Futurama forums? Fans have a tendency to know the most obscure things. Also the creators of the show seem like geeks so it's possible they'd answer if they knew why you wanted to know.

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:59 pm
by Paradox
dertien wrote:
That is very sexy sir, Lovely color too.
};] Thank you! Though I think I will continue to call it dark/light aqua than to think of it as "Electric Mucus". }:]

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:03 pm
by Paradox
metatheurgist wrote:
Have you tried asking on Futurama forums? Fans have a tendency to know the most obscure things. Also the creators of the show seem like geeks so it's possible they'd answer if they knew why you wanted to know.

Good idea!..however, I want to get this out the door today, and the bother of creating an account, posting, waiting, watching the arguments, etc, not worth it. };] Guess I will go with the ol' tried and true "Leelas' bed" standard of measurement. };]

Re: Need input/opinions please.

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:35 am
by Commander McLane
I wouldn't bother so much about how long the ship actually was in Futurama, or bed lengths. Oolite meters don't correspond to human sizes anyway.

The crucial point is whether the ship fits into a standard docking bay. In my opinion it should fit, but with not too much headroom. That should lead to the rough size.