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[RELEASE] TimeSlip OXP v1.0

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:23 pm
by Norby
Enjoy your time accelerated Injectors and a modified Torus in [wiki]TimeSlip[/wiki] OXP. :)

This OXP is started as a possible solution for NPCs missing Torus drive in this thread. Now you can test my "mixed solution" with slower torus and enabled time acceleration which is near the original in total and Injector-equipped NPCs can follow the torusing player.

Additionally you can save some (or many) time when you want leave behind neutral ships with your Injectors.

* Oolite 1.77.1-test (or 1.79 if you like nightly builds) due to time acceleration is disabled in deployment versions.
* Hardware which is capable to draw at least 30 FPS in Oolite (check with Shift+F).

Re: [RELEASE] TimeSlip OXP v1.0

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:20 am
by Zireael
Grabbing it in 3h aka as soon as I'm home.

Re: [RELEASE] TimeSlip OXP v1.0

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:52 am
by Norby
Speedtest with new torus: my i3 with integrated HD4000 graphics, which is rated as some $20 videocard by tomshardware, is capable to 4x time acceleration with 60 ships nearby (spawned by Salon).

When I try to hit limits with so many ships then my TAF display started to flickering between 3x and 4x which mean 3.5x in average, but I can not produce situations to drop to 3x due to torus is usable in deep space only, I got masslock before this can happen.

So I think it is a solution for all players, except on cheap netbooks (my other test machine, no shaders and 20FPS in 1x TAF) which is so far from a gamer hardware.

I will be happy if some player publish his results, I see there are some downloads already. If TAF in Shift+F is stable at 4x when you use torus with j key then you can increase the TimeSlipTorusTAF variable in timeslip.js to 16 (strictly for debug purposes, you should set it back to 4 after the test ;)), recheck how many x you get and send here with your hardware specs please.

There are a TimeSlipInjectorsTAF variable also, but I do not recommend to increase this over the default 2 (exists only to set to 1 if you do not like it) due to with ships nearby you can get problems, sometimes "press space" after a sudden collision and your controls are faster in TAF which is unmanageable with large time multipliers.