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NPCs using Q-bomb?

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:54 pm
by ArkanoiD
I'd like to see it, given it is _very_ rare condition and it appears clearly on the scanner and there is alert to let me run ;-)

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:02 pm
Masochist! :twisted:

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:04 pm
by ArkanoiD
TGHC wrote:
Masochist! :twisted:
I just want to enjoy watching fireworks too expensive for me to waste ;-)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:07 pm
by Odo987
ArkanoiD wrote:
I just want to enjoy watching fireworks too expensive for me to waste ;-)
Does anyone use the Q mine? Anyone? It's a neat weapon, but at almost three times the price of the energy bomb, it's pretty useless.

The energy bomb is right on the border of being cost-effective. Several times I've been targeted by a group of five pirates, joined shortly afterwards by a group of another two pirates. Battling out those 7:1 scenarios often results in some damaged equipment. On the other hand, dropping the energy bomb results in enough cargo canisters to pay for a replacement bomb. I've learned to love the bomb.

My suggestion would be to remove the Q mine from Oolite, and tweak the energy bomb so that it is an expanding sphere of visible death (like the Q mine) rather than instant death. Then it would be fair for the computer to use the bomb. If you see one blowing up, turn around and hit the injectors. Or use your escape pod.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:23 pm
by ArkanoiD
Odo987 wrote:
ArkanoiD wrote:
I just want to enjoy watching fireworks too expensive for me to waste ;-)
Does anyone use the Q mine? Anyone? It's a neat weapon, but at almost three times the price of the energy bomb, it's pretty useless.

The energy bomb is right on the border of being cost-effective. Several times I've been targeted by a group of five pirates, joined shortly afterwards by a group of another two pirates. Battling out those 7:1 scenarios often results in some damaged equipment. On the other hand, dropping the energy bomb results in enough cargo canisters to pay for a replacement bomb. I've learned to love the bomb.

My suggestion would be to remove the Q mine from Oolite, and tweak the energy bomb so that it is an expanding sphere of visible death (like the Q mine) rather than instant death. Then it would be fair for the computer to use the bomb. If you see one blowing up, turn around and hit the injectors. Or use your escape pod.
Well, i haven't ever use it, but i keep one installed on my ship just in case there will be a mission to destroy something E-bomb - invulnerable.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:52 pm
by Wiggy
I love the Q-bomb - It's visually stunning, very lethal, and often surprising in its domino toppling effect.

E-bombs are usually last resorts, when I'm angry, or as a lesson to others....!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:23 pm
by winston
Odo987 wrote:
ArkanoiD wrote:
I just want to enjoy watching fireworks too expensive for me to waste ;-)
Does anyone use the Q mine? Anyone? It's a neat weapon, but at almost three times the price of the energy bomb, it's pretty useless.
But it's so purty!

I do use it - usually on a hard day where I've already had to use up my energy bomb.
Or if I just want a firework display. Best deployed in a pirate cove.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:19 pm
by the alberts
The Q mine is pretty good ...I never bought or used one until yesterday!

To be honest though, I think it's far too expensive for what it is. The only thing going for it is it's purtiness. (unless there's something I don't know about yet...)

The E bomb does a much much better job - instant, all encompassing death to all but the user (okay - and the toughest ships).

And it's a third of the price! No contest, which is a shame cos the chain reaction thing is brilliant to do (and watch) :)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:52 pm
by JensAyton
The E-bomb is silly and should be removed, from a balance POV.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:11 pm
by Murgh
Ahruman wrote:
The E-bomb is silly and should be removed, from a balance POV.
hear hear. off to Oolite-strict! :shock:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:13 pm
by ArkanoiD
Ahruman wrote:
The E-bomb is silly and should be removed, from a balance POV.
I think no, it was there in classic Elite and i'd like it to stay. After all, only one at time is allowed.
Though it makes some difference between players and NPCs (who are not allowed to use it)
That's why i'd like them to use Q-Bomb at least.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:37 pm
by jonnycuba
I think the idea of the NPC's not having them does seem to deviate from the premise of fair play... Between us and our distant AI cousins

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:33 am
by the alberts
ArkanoiD wrote:
I think no, it was there in classic Elite and i'd like it to stay. After all, only one at time is allowed.
Though it makes some difference between players and NPCs (who are not allowed to use it)
That's why i'd like them to use Q-Bomb at least.
Yes I agree. It'd make for interesting dog fights! And change folk's tactics too. (i.e. not getting too near. The 'sneaking close up behind a trader before shooting them' tactic may be become less popular)

I can imagine the fun when certain enemies launch a Q bomb; my usual slow-to-catch-on reaction turning to panick when I realise I used up all my fuel earlier (probably only moments earlier because I was too impatient during mass lock slowness)

Is incorporating enemies launching Q bombs possible? I'd certainly be keen - as long as it didn't happen every time I shoot someone down (if do you actually do shoot people down in space - there's no gravity after all...) :)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:52 am
by ArkanoiD
the alberts wrote:
ArkanoiD wrote:
I think no, it was there in classic Elite and i'd like it to stay. After all, only one at time is allowed.
Though it makes some difference between players and NPCs (who are not allowed to use it)
That's why i'd like them to use Q-Bomb at least.
Yes I agree. It'd make for interesting dog fights! And change folk's tactics too. (i.e. not getting too near. The 'sneaking close up behind a trader before shooting them' tactic may be become less popular)

I can imagine the fun when certain enemies launch a Q bomb; my usual slow-to-catch-on reaction turning to panick when I realise I used up all my fuel earlier (probably only moments earlier because I was too impatient during mass lock slowness)

Is incorporating enemies launching Q bombs possible? I'd certainly be keen - as long as it didn't happen every time I shoot someone down (if do you actually do shoot people down in space - there's no gravity after all...) :)
I think 0.1% is OK. That means if you have 20 kills a run you see it with 1/50 probability.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:24 am
by the alberts
I think the chances of Q mine use should relate to the type of ship and the pilot, although I do agree the chances should be fairly slim.

Some ships would never use them: i.e. ships that can't outrun the explosion! Ships in a group that aren't keen on killing their comrades etc.

Whereas others would be more keen depending on who they are, where they come from etc. Certain ships would develop Q mine reputations...