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Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:43 am
by cryptotheslow

Just recently upgraded to v1.77.1 and a very nice improvement it is too :D

Anyway, having played with a vanilla install other than Griffs ships OXPs for quite some time, I thought it about time I started exploring some more OXPs so I've added about a dozen various things and they all work great - really expand the game nicely.

However, as of yesterday I can't seem to get the downloads to work from (where most OXPs seem to be stored by their authors). At the moment I'm trying to get Norby's Towbar OXP from here ... 03282248/1 - on clicking either of the Download buttons on the page the little notification pops up on the page saying "Your download has started..." but nothing actually is downloaded. This happens with both Firefox and Chromium (on Mint 13 Maya). It worked fine before yesterday and I've not applied any updates in that time.

Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem with or whether it is something amiss with my setup.


Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:53 am
by Cody
I think it's only Norby's Box (temporary glitch, probably) - I get the same as you, but other Box OXPs I just tried download fine.

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:58 am
by Norby
Hi cryptotheslow,

my box exceeded the monthly traffic limit, please use my second box here.

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:05 am
by cryptotheslow
Thanks for the fast replies :D

And thanks Norby for the OXPs! Toolbar downloaded and installed - time to go and force a few pirates to abandon ship :twisted:

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:19 am
by Eric Walch
Norby wrote:
Hi cryptotheslow,

my box exceeded the monthly traffic limit,
It's a bad thing from the box that you don't get any info about this. As I remember, you did get some sort of a message in the past. Now it is just saying wrongly that the download has started.

When entering my box account, my browser Safari refuses since one or two years to auto-fill in my password for the box account. I never had this with any other account.

A few weeks ago, I got a brief message in safari that he respected the request of the box to not auto fill-in the password. Apparently can a site ask to not fill-in the password automated. A good security, but my laptop is always locked with its own password so it was already safe. And on my desktop pc, were others in the house have access to, the keychain that contains my box-password, is protected with a master pasword that has to be typed first, so I don't need that extra safety.

Now, I just noticed a setting in Safari, to not respect the request of websites to not auto fill-in passwords. Since today, Safari fills in my box account password again. :D

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:50 am
by Diziet Sma
Hmm.. I hadn't realised sites could do that.. that explains why I've had the same problem as you on some sites. I've just now found the setting in LastPass that overrides the website's request to disallow autocomplete.

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:19 am
by Norby
cryptotheslow wrote:
time to go and force a few pirates to abandon ship :twisted:
My pleasure to see the proper usage. :)

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:50 am
by Eric Walch
Diziet Sma wrote:
Hmm.. I hadn't realised sites could do that..
Only some browsers can override that setting. Version 5 of Safari could not do that. (the highest version that I can run on OSX 10.6). Also in the newest versions of Chrome and Firefox, I could not find that override setting. So, it is probably rare and I don't know if its new in Safari 7 or if it was already possible in Safari 6. Good that LastPass has also that option as it already uses a master password.

Re: Problems downloading OXPs

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:54 am
by Tricky
Diziet Sma wrote:
Hmm.. I hadn't realised sites could do that.. that explains why I've had the same problem as you on some sites. I've just now found the setting in LastPass that overrides the website's request to disallow autocomplete.
There is an attribute of text, password, select, textarea, date-related, time-related, numeric, email, and uri controls, known as autocomplete. The default is always on. Setting it to autocomplete="off" will stop the browser from completing the input. Many browsers however ignore it, as it isn't considered part of the HTML standard. It is only with the introduction of HTML5 that it has been officially accepted into the standard.