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50 wormholes??? NOT AGAIN!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:01 pm
by i_never_existed
Ok, remember I made a post a while ago that my screen just had wormholes ALL OVER the place... guess what. It happened again, but only this time I took photos!!! :twisted:

They are so cute!!1 Lovely blue circles all over the screen and around 50 ships sailing into/out of them.

Let me know if you wanna see them.


900 kills and counting!

Re: 50 wormholes??? NOT AGAIN!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:12 pm
by ArkanoiD
i_never_existed wrote:
Ok, remember I made a post a while ago that my screen just had wormholes ALL OVER the place... guess what. It happened again, but only this time I took photos!!! :twisted:

They are so cute!!1 Lovely blue circles all over the screen and around 50 ships sailing into/out of them.

Let me know if you wanna see them.


900 kills and counting!
Yes! Please post it here!

Re: 50 wormholes??? NOT AGAIN!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:48 pm
by i_never_existed
ArkanoiD wrote:

Yes! Please post it here!

How? Can I put a jpg straight here??

Re: 50 wormholes??? NOT AGAIN!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:53 pm
by ArkanoiD
i_never_existed wrote:
ArkanoiD wrote:

Yes! Please post it here!

How? Can I put a jpg straight here??
You may put in on the web someplace and post a link..

Re: 50 wormholes??? NOT AGAIN!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:09 pm
by i_never_existed
ArkanoiD wrote:
You may put in on the web someplace and post a link..

Sorry, am having a really bad day at the office, and it's only 1pm...

Here are the links, let me know if any problems..

ENJOY, and tell me what you think... remember this has happened twice in one week now. ... -12-55.jpg ... -11-46.jpg ... -14-32.jpg ... -15-27.jpg

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:35 pm
by cactuar
WOW!! That is absolutely crazy! I want it....

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:38 pm
by i_never_existed
cactuar wrote:
WOW!! That is absolutely crazy! I want it....
NICE HUH!!! :twisted:

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:46 pm
by Selezen
That is seriously impressive. It's like Christmas in space...

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:48 pm
by jonnycuba
Mummy look at the wormholes :D

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:51 pm
by winston
Cool! Just imagine how much better it'd look with a Q-bomb going off in the middle of it!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:53 pm
by i_never_existed
Selezen wrote:
That is seriously impressive. It's like Christmas in space...
jonnycuba wrote:
Mummy look at the wormholes :D
The only little drawback is that you KNOW the game is going to crash... they just multiply and multiply until the system just stops dead in it's track.

But yes, very nice, very christmassy!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:54 pm
by i_never_existed
winston wrote:
Cool! Just imagine how much better it'd look with a Q-bomb going off in the middle of it!

Actually, I DID let off a Q bomb...

The screen went black...

... and game over. System froze...

but this is second time it's happened. Next time will try to remember exactly HOW I got there, and try again.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:24 pm
by Rxke
WOW!!!! :shock: 8) :shock: 8)

COomic BOok Guy: COolitest. Bug. Ever.

Question: do the 50-ish ships appear first, and only then the wormholes? Because in that case I had it happening too, but I have a really ancient machine, and it just freezes solid from the instant hey get spawned, .0004FPS or something like that. your screenshot w/ the ships all oriented in the same direction looked very similar to my situation (but it never got to spawning wormholes...)

(I had it after jumping through a wormhole myself, straight after loading the game and doing a 'regular' jump...

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:35 pm
by i_never_existed
Rxke wrote:
WOW!!!! :shock: 8) :shock: 8)

COomic BOok Guy: COolitest. Bug. Ever.

Question: do the 50-ish ships appear first, and only then the wormholes? Because in that case I had it happening too, but I have a really ancient machine, and it just freezes solid from the instant hey get spawned, .0004FPS or something like that. your screenshot w/ the ships all oriented in the same direction looked very similar to my situation (but it never got to spawning wormholes...)

(I had it after jumping through a wormhole myself, straight after loading the game and doing a 'regular' jump...

Yeah something like that. I loaded up the game and saved file, hyper jumped, killed someone (poor bugger) then jumped galaxy. Then one worm hole opened in front of me, then five, then ten, then 15 and so on. Out of these wormholes SOME appear ships, others not.

Guess there must be a hell of a party on the planet, wonder if I should gate crash?!!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:09 am
by Commander Gralen
But why did you use a Q-bomb and not an energybomb?


Or am i being really stupid now and they're the same thing?? :?