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gamesaves on network attached folder

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:48 pm
by xzanfr
Hi chaps. I'd be grateful for a bit of help regarding the oolite gamesave.

To put you in the picture:
I play oolite on a laptop and a desktop and share a gamesave between the two. My bt router has a usb port that I've currently got a pen drive plugged in to which allows me to swap my oolite gamesave in a pretty basic way, by copying and pasting the gamesave in to a special folder each time I finish a session.

It would be really handy to be able to have both computers use a folder on the networked pen drive for oolite. So for example, both computers look to the pen drive for the gamesave rather than the local oolite/ folder.

I've tried to use the <ctrl>+return method to go up from the oolite-gamesave folder and it seems to stick at the root of the current hard disk (i/e it won't take me any higher so I can't seem to see the other connected hard drives or the network attached pen drive).

I'd be grateful to hear if this is possible or if I'm barking up the wrong tree trying to get it to work!

As a summary:
both computers can se the drive in "my computer" & have mapped the network attached pendrive to Z:
laptop is running win 7 (64bit)
desktop is running win vista (64bit)
Both have the main oolite folder in C:/oolite.

Thanks for any advice on this :)

Re: gamesvaes on network attached folder

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:47 pm
by Norby
Try to make a symbolic link in a command prompt (run cmd) after you moved out your .oolite-save files from the oolite-saves folder (warning: the rmdir command will delete all of your commanders if you do not make a copy):

Code: Select all

cd \Oolite\
rmdir /S oolite-saves
mklink /D oolite-saves z:\
Do it on both computer and hopefully you can forget the <ctrl>+return.

Re: gamesvaes on network attached folder

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:05 pm
by Eric Walch
xzanfr wrote:
It would be really handy to be able to have both computers use a folder on the networked pen drive for oolite. So for example, both computers look to the pen drive for the gamesave rather than the local oolite/ folder.
Buy a mac. :) On the mac, the Oolite load/save dialog in not used, instead the Mac native load/save dialogs are used. Those allows loading/saving to network disks. I even had made some tweaks to the Oolite code in the past that made that the network location was stored in the preferences, so it could default to the network disk on the next startup. (I don't think that code made it to Oolite)

What I currently do, is saving my games in my cloud folder. I have a Synology nas with cloud station. On every computer I have a cloud folder, so when saving a game on my local cloud folder, it is send in the background to the nas and the nas sends it further to my other computers. (The same happens with my OXP folder). So, no mater on which computer I play, I always have the same setup. Also when tweaking an oxp, I no longer have to remember on which computer I stored the latest version. On every computer I have the latest oxp modification. :wink:

Re: gamesvaes on network attached folder

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:03 am
by Diziet Sma
Norby wrote:
Try to make a symbolic link in a command prompt (run cmd) after you moved out your .oolite-save files from the oolite-saves folder (warning: the rmdir command will delete all of your commanders if you do not make a copy):
For more information on doing this, see this recent thread started by Gimi:
Using SymLinks under Windows.

Re: gamesvaes on network attached folder

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:50 pm
by xzanfr
Thanks for all your help with this, especially the advice about using the SymLinks.
I've now got a symLink to the shared folder working perfectly from the laptop- after I remembered to run cmd as administrator.

I did the desktop using symlink creator (once again run as admin), as mentioned in the linked thread and this works perfectly too.

Thanks again for all your help and advice :)