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Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:09 pm
by darklyte
Hi everyone.

Quick intro - first played elite 2 days after it was released on the BBC B - I was posh and converted it to run off floppy. Good old days...

Anyhooo... Have been playing oolite on and off for a number of years (just can't help yourself, can you?) and now I've hit a snag.

I have a number of oxps running and I'm wondering if there's one of these that is known to kill the keyboard plist? I've searched through and short of taking each one out and trying, I'm stuck. Ruuning win 7 pro, oolite 1.77 and being an old fart I can't quite get over A S X < > ?

List is (long) so here's the jpg


Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:13 pm
by JazHaz
Are you saying you want the BBC keyboard layout or you want to get rid of it?
  • If you want to get it, go to this page on the wiki and install it like any OXP. ... d_controls
  • If you want to find conflicts, then open your AddOns folder and search for keyconfig.plist. There should be just one. I see you have keyconfig.plist listed in the screenshot. There might be one in the config folder.

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:18 pm
by Cody
Welcome aboard, darklyte - not sure about your problem, but I don't think you should have both Griff's Replace and Griff's Addition installed.

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:22 pm
by JazHaz
Cody wrote:
Welcome aboard, darklyte - not sure about your problem, but I don't think you should have both Griff's Replace and Griff's Addition installed.
Very true, didn't spot that.

Replace should be used if you want to replace the original ships. Addition should be used if you want Griff's ships in addition to the original set. You should have one or the other, but not both.

How many times have we seen that problem? I thought the wiki page was clear about that, but maybe not?

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:31 pm
by darklyte
God no I want to keep it... I've grabbed the plist. Thanks JazHaz. Now in the config folder.

Hi Cody. Have removed the addition oxp. Will give it a go.

Good grief you guys are fast :)

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:33 pm
by darklyte
Working like a dream. Cheers.

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:34 pm
by JazHaz
darklyte wrote:
Good grief you guys are fast :)
All part of the service!
darklyte wrote:
Working like a dream. Cheers.
Great! Enjoy...

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:35 pm
by Cody
darklyte wrote:
Good grief you guys are fast
Oolite Customer Support - incomparable service!

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:38 pm
by cim
JazHaz wrote:
Replace should be used if you want to replace the original ships. Addition should be used if you want Griff's ships in addition to the original set. You should have one or the other, but not both.
Though, there's nothing wrong as such with having both. It might even be useful... for instance if you had ships which were not the Griff Shipset installed, but wanted the Griff ships to be added twice to the role list to keep the basic snake ships a bit more common than the others.

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:38 pm
by JazHaz
Did you delete an extra keyconfig.plist?

<Scottish accent> There can be only one! </Scottish accent>

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:48 pm
by darklyte
I have a "failed oxp" folder in addons and I dragged the other in there.

I have also dumped my imperial courier and am now flying a python class cruiser. Handles well. Hope the maintenance costs are less than the courier as it was one expensive bird...

I've moved the extra griff oxp as it sounds good to have variance.

Just to add. Python flies like a brick when push comes to shove.

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:02 pm
by JazHaz
darklyte wrote:
I have a "failed oxp" folder in addons and I dragged the other in there.
Ah, you need to remove (or rename) that folder, if the fails folder has other .oxp folders within it, then they will still get loaded.

I have a folder of disabled OXPs outside the AddOns folder (ie one level up).

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:16 pm
by darklyte
I did rename the fails folder with "failed oxps" so I suspect it won't see it... (yes I recreated fail afterwards in case it did need it)

Gotta say with those oxps, oolite can only be described as looking "sumptuous".

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:07 am
by JazHaz
darklyte wrote:
Gotta say with those oxps, oolite can only be described as looking "sumptuous".
Yes Oolite can look so much better than vanilla. Have you seen my Recommended OXPs list on the wiki? There's a few other OXPs you can add that'll add a lot to your experience.

One question, I notice you have only one Your Ad Here! OXP folder. Most installations of that OXP have multiple folders. Mine's like this:


A minimum install (eg just set A) would be two folders:


Of course, its possible that you have the multiple folders inside your single one...?

Re: Keyboard mapping - or lack of.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:47 am
by darklyte
Nope - hadn't added them all at the time as I hadn't downloaded the full set. Rural broadband... Grrrrrr

Have managed to grab them now so will put them in there tonight. I'll also check out your list and have a play.

I'm almost tempted to say DB is up against it with his remake if this is what we have to play with now. I don't do MMO's so that isn't an issue - I also have loads to do in my day job :)