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Trumble infestation

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:18 am
by winston
I caught a nasty infestation last night when engaging in scooping dubious goods from space (the less said about how the goods got there in the first place, the better). I thought I'd let the little critter stay for a while because I had a lot on my mind - the Thargoid wars for starters.

This is not a great place to get a Thargoid infestation. Fighting Thargoids with half a dozen trumbles running around your ship's flight deck makes for tough battle. So I decided they had to be exterminated.

Some of them were tough buggers. I almost lost the ship once or twice trying to get rid of every last one, knowing that if complete extermination wasn't done, they'd just keep coming back. Don't let the blighters breed or you'll regret it!

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:38 am
by Evil Juice
I must say that on the verge of a nervous breakdown i used the most unortodox non-conventional insecticide. XML

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:22 pm
by Commander Gralen
kill 'em?
How do u do that?

Tell me! :twisted:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:40 pm
by Lanx
Evil Juice:

Trumbles are best served hot
Search for "Trumbles" if that was not clear enough.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:59 pm
by Rxke
spoiler: complete:

bxnl: gurl qba'g yvxr urng, fb lbh whfg qvir gbjneqf gur fha... naq frr lbhe grzc evfr, nsgre njuvyr gurve 'pnyy' punatrf va cvgpu (uvture) zrnavat gurl srry hapbzsbegnoyr... N ovg yngre, lbh'yy frr gurz ghzory njnl sebz lbhe fuvc.
Abj trg bhgn gurer dhvpx orsber lbh sel gbb! (ulcrefcnpr bhg vf n tbbq jnl, cerfrg n fgne)

copy/paste into

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:58 am
by Selezen
You want to know a much easier and more phpBB frienly spoiler method?

open a quote tag, set the font to white colour and write your text in the quote tag, then the viewer has to highlight it to view.

Looks like this (highlight to view):
SPOILER!!! wrote:
There are 15 different kinds of trumble. The first 14 are just different coloured, cute little animals. The 15th is a sort of super trumble that grows, eats the other ones, develops sentience, posesses your body and takes over your ship.

Yeah, like anyone's gonna believe that...<BRAINS...BRAINS...>

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:41 pm
by Rxke
Neat trick, but that wouldn't work for the wiki?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:11 pm
by Selezen
Does it need to be done for the wiki?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:52 pm
by Rxke
IMO, yes, people keep coming back for info about missions, so the current spoiler-section (trumbles served hot IIRC) is a bit sparse...

I mean, it's all good and well for veteran Eliteers/Ooliteers to be all smug about how we all know how to do stuff, but people overall *do* like cheats, so it'd fill a need...

Some missions are... 'Weird' because of the og. Elite ancestory, esp. the Constrictor mission, I clearly remember thinking not getting any info rightaway was a scripting bug etc...

A lot of young people I know, buy games, download the cheats *rightaway* and just walk through games like that. Personally, I think that's very, very weird, I mean: they buy a game, and play it through, often within the first hour or so... Then they buy another etc... Where's the fun in that? But it seems like common behaviour nowadays... :?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:06 pm
by rbird
Is it my imagination, or are trumble-canisters much more common these days than they used to be? I don't remember ever noticing one until the 1.63 windows version was released. Of course, my play style has changed recently as well (in that I'm now scooping MANY more canisters than before :twisted: ). Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Fortunately, I haven't run across any containing actual live trumbles (yet).


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:16 pm
by Rxke
sFunny, I had the impression there were actually less Trumbles cannisters since 1.63 :lol:

Maybe I changed my style, too. But in the other way... (I do tend to ignore a lot of cannisters, lately, since I feel I make enough money already...)

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:07 am
by ArkanoiD
Rxke wrote:
IMO, yes, people keep coming back for info about missions, so the current spoiler-section (trumbles served hot IIRC) is a bit sparse...

I mean, it's all good and well for veteran Eliteers/Ooliteers to be all smug about how we all know how to do stuff, but people overall *do* like cheats, so it'd fill a need...

Some missions are... 'Weird' because of the og. Elite ancestory, esp. the Constrictor mission, I clearly remember thinking not getting any info rightaway was a scripting bug etc...

A lot of young people I know, buy games, download the cheats *rightaway* and just walk through games like that. Personally, I think that's very, very weird, I mean: they buy a game, and play it through, often within the first hour or so... Then they buy another etc... Where's the fun in that? But it seems like common behaviour nowadays... :?
Well, trumble (tribble there) mission was in E+ and i figured what to do by myself without any cheats ;-)