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A small victory for Pastafarians...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:25 am
by Smivs
Texas Tech student and practicing Pastafarian Eddie Castillo has won the right to wear his colander on his official drivers licence photo.
Well, it made me chuckle...

Re: A small victory for Pastafarians...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:00 am
by Cody
<doffs his colander>

Re: A small victory for Pastafarians...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:04 pm
by Yah-Ta-Hey
That is all fine and dandy but they absolutely refuse to let me wear my tinfoil cap for my photo, then I wore my eagle feather and was nearly arrested for having a feather of an endangered species. Hmph!

Re: A small victory for Pastafarians...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:10 pm
by Cody

Re: A small victory for Pastafarians...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:34 pm
by drew
I used to be a Frisbeetinarianist, but my soul went up on the roof and got stuck.

