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how to attach the correct oolite-status to the username?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:46 pm
by pirx
just saw my first message showed the label 'harmless' (which is fine with me...), but since it seems strange to get to galaxy 5 so peacefully as that, I like to correct that impression. Actually I'm about 900 kills short of Elite status. So how does this status gets attached to the username in messages?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:54 pm
by Flying_Circus
Numbers of messages posted - simple as that, AFIK. It has no relation to where you are in the game :)

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:50 pm
Apparently Giles has increased the number of kills required to become Elite to 6400, AFIK he is the only Ooliteer so far to achieve this, it looks like you might be number 2. unless there are others out there. Me not far from deadly, but only because I'm testing the windows build [1]

[1] yeah right! :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:50 pm
by pirx
ah, thanks for the infos, feel a bit stupid now not to have realized that it's the number of postings that count, thought from the bulletins that there are quite a few elite commanders around.

I started playing in summer 2004 (had some previous experience with the old elite game though from years back...) and after some excessive bouts played maybe 2 or 3 hours a week since.

Used version 1.40 till last week. In that version I found the best strategy to rake up kills is to shoot up about everything that moves, including galcops, since with the right equipment (naval energy unit, military lasers fore and aft and so on) hardly anyone can touch you. The fugitive status doesn't matter if you don't mind docking manually. Still like the old cobra mark III best. Also found this trick with engaging roll and pitch simultaneously while going hyperspace and hunting thargoids in nowhereland very usefull. This has now become much more difficult in version 1.60, which is a good thing!
More of a challenge, thanks again for all the developments!
Also think it a good idea that equipment gets damaged when shields are down, (it's annoying at the time, but taking risks and engaging lots of ships should be risky).
So is elite status now raised to 6400? Will take a bit longer then, have 5591 at the moment. But there must be more elite commanders out there!

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:22 am
by winston
Bah. I'm so far behind with only around 3200 kills!

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:38 pm
by Wiggy
8000 plus, and have since started from sratch again!

I did go a bit "kill crazy" from 5,000 +, often using energy bombs whenever the radar was packed with blips.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:12 pm
pirx wrote:
Used version 1.40 till last week. In that version I found the best strategy to rake up kills is to shoot up about everything that moves, including galcops, since with the right equipment (naval energy unit, military lasers fore and aft and so on) hardly anyone can touch you!
You can't do that on 1.63, taking out more than two thargoids is just about impossible, and now I've installed some OXP's, I've got Iguanas to cope with as well! Thank heavens for witchdrive injectors (wimp or what?)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:52 pm
by Rxke
TGHC wrote:
You can't do that on 1.63, taking out more than two thargoids is just about impossible,
I recently survived an attack from five of them, w/o takng any damage.... But it takes quite a while...

Take 'em out one by one, target the first one, preferably the closest-by, and make sure your first volley is w/ a laser 100% 'cooled', then finish it off, never mind the others, just kill it ASAP. Then fuel-inject outa there, untill they disappear from your radar. Slow down, let your laser cool down (and your shields recharge!) Then turn around until you have a visual lock, and 'j' jump towards them, to get close enough to make aiming easier, target the next one.. Etc.

But, when you feel you're getting hit too hard, do -by all means- not hesitate and bail out, they can pretty much ruin you, damaging expensive equipment can really hurt your purse....

Sometimes you can get 'live' robotfighters zooming by that seem a bit 'confused' they don't seem to manoevre too much, try to take them out, it's easier than you'd think, after a bit of practice and it's one extra (pulse) laser to worry about.