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Some ideas about passengers

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:06 am
by RichBot
Hi, forgive me if these are already in the game. I haven't explored far in galaxy 1 yet, much less the other galaxies.

But I thought of these today:

1. If passenger pods take up 5t worth of cargo space, then I guess they are stored in the cargo hold area. So, when you blow up a ship, sometimes you would expect to see passenger pods floating amongst the debris with cargo pods, perhaps?

2. If the pods are in the cargo bay, then when you launch your escape pod to avert imminent frying, I guess the passenger in his pod is left to his fate. He drifts in space until he runs out of air in his pod, or someone blows him up for fun, or maybe someone scoops him (is this or should it be possible?).

From 2 flows:

. if you use your escape pod, your insurance value could go down by an amount to compensate the passenger's relatives
. if a passenger dies, you could get a price on your head from their evil family, increasing your being attacked by bounty hunters
. if you waste a ship carrying passengers and wax the ejected passenger pods, same could occur
. if you have a spare 5t in your hold, you could scoop the passenger pod and receive a reward. Or you could turn him into the cops (if he's a bad guy) or turn him into his enemies at a rock hermit pirate cove if you're that kind of dude).

Any of those plots could be built into a mission (eg you're floating through space and scoop a mysterious passenger who gives you a mission; or, you hear a covert distress message from a hostage in a passing ship, the first part of the mission is to blast the ship and rescue the hostage in his pod).

I like the passenger option, I did the longway mission and it was fun, I liked the way it turned out. A passenger pod could look pretty cool floating around in space.

Just ideas I thought of over coffee this morning! I am a total beginner to this, I had elite on the Amiga in the 80s. Oolite is awesome, I spend all my free time on it. Thanks!


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:07 am
by Cmdr. Luke
Nice ideas, I think thy would add value to the game.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:54 am
by aegidian
Some nice ideas there, that gel well with some of what I'm planning to put in Character/Pilot/Crew support. When I get a round-enough-tuit!