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Naval Energy Units

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:37 pm
I want to get a Naval Energy Unit, I've searching through the threads and the wiki, apparently some ships you can buy are fitted with them, and IIRC you get one as a reward for completeing the Thargoid Plans Mission, can someone confirm this please.

On the subject of energy, I know the EEU and NEU increase the rate at which energy is replenished, but what about the number of energy banks, the Cobra MKIII has 4 and the supercobra 7, what effect does this have? Increase in threshold or overall volume? or what?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:54 pm
by Rxke
Sometimes you'll find a NEU installed in a ship at the shop, but they're pretty expensive. The cheapest way to obtain them is to win them through a mission you will get offered by the Navy, after 1281 kills, while in Galaxy 3. You do need to be flying a ship that can have them fitted, though (and I'm not sure, but you also have to have the regular boosters installed too)

The Big Ship Debate

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:24 pm
Well I'm close to 1281, which is why I asked the question, I'm in a Supercobra right now so how do I find out if it (or any other ship for that matter) will take the NEU.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:07 pm
by Rxke
SC does.

It's fairly rare for OXP ships not being able to have it fitted, see the wiki...

changing to a python

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:14 pm
by Rimbaud

I had completed the misson and been awarded a naval energy unit, but I have decided to switch to a python to carry a bit more cargo. Unfortunately I have lost my naval energy unit: is there anyway to get it back. or do I need to buy a ship with one fitted?

On a side note, has anyone actually been able to dock a python manually? I have crashed every time, even at slow speeds, and I am a very experienced Eliter?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:28 am
by TedJ
Once you've completed the mission, a flag in your save file should allow you to purchase a new NEU. It's only available at TL14 worlds though, IIRC.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:20 am
by GoreLeech
question: is there a way to get a lot of money easily,or do i just constantly use computers on small TL worlds and sell food to high TL worlds?,i mean there has to be a better way(BTW im using a wevliod scoutship with 10 T of cargo space,fully outfitted :?:

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:35 pm
by Rxke
Simple: kill, kill, kill....

And have a ship with scoops. That way you earn money the fastest (but most risky) way, IMO....

On a typical run (from witchpoint-beacon to station,) if you're a unscrupulous killer, that way you make at least 1000cr. Easy.

Just shoot up anything you see (except cops, and act nice when they're in scanner-range)

If you kill bad guys, you get a bonus, and scooping up containers, lots of times you will find them filled with platinum and other niceties. 100% profit.

Train yourself on big, slow and lonely traders, like Hamadryads.

Of course: you need at *least* fuel-injectors, to get away quick when stuff gets out of hand, ECM (be sure most traders carry missiles) and a beamlaser and of course scoops, if you want to profit from your *ahem* work...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:12 am
by TedJ
Rxke wrote:
...On a typical run (from witchpoint-beacon to station,) if you're a unscrupulous killer, that way you make at least 1000cr. Easy...
The Best "aggressive salavage" run I've ever had ended up making me 12500 Cr! Who says crime doesn't pay? 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:34 am
by Rxke
Yes, I consider a 1000cr. run a *very* low basenumber. Milkruns, so to say...

BTW: killing a Fugitive Ixian battleship can be worth 5000cr. bounty :shock: Now *that* felt like cheating...

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:29 pm
by Lanx
If you want to make money simply by trading, then there is "Trader's Paradise" in Galaxy 3: Esmaombe and Lezaer.

Distance between these two stars: 0.0 light years. You need no fuel for your jumps between these systems.

Esmaombe is a poor agricultural multi-government of tech.-level 4, where you can buy furs, liquors/wines and, if these two do not fill your cargo bay, food for very low prices; gold, platinum and gem-stones are often at a very low price, too. Computers and luxuries can be sold for over 100 cr/ton, and Alien Items are above 60 cr/ton most of the time.

Lezaer is a rich industrial corporate state of tech.-level 14. Sell your furs and wines and buy computers und luxuries. Gold/Platinum/Gem-Stones can be sold for very high prices most of the time, too.

In both systems you can encounter quite a few pirates when you travel to the next Coriolis station. An anarchy system is only a few light years away for some alternation in your daily routine.

I have recently requested citizenship for Lezaer … 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:03 pm
by TedJ
Welcome aboard Lanx!

I also found this gem of a route while in Galaxy 3 about a month back... good stuff. If you're feeling so inclined, you can also make a lot of money moving Narcotics. If the martket price isn't agreeable upon reaching Lezaer, simply jump back to Esmaombe and repeat.

The beauty of 0.0 LY jumps is that they also take no time, as well as no fuel. ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:47 pm
by Ramirez
Piracy's definitely the way to go to get more cash, plus it keeps your combat rating ticking over nicely. A successful pirate run could bring in as much as 30t of stolen goods (even more if it's a really busy system) so if I'm in a big ship I make sure to buy up some profitable cargo before setting off otherwise all that empty space would be a terrible waste of potential profit.

The best targets to attack are probably Pythons as they often seem to carry gold and platinum, but any large trading ship will do.

Narcotics are the only illegal goods worth trading in. Usually these have a similar proft margin to computers (~30-40c per ton), but prices fluctuate wildly and if you're in the right place at the right time you can make massive gains. If they ever appear at less than around 30c, I buy them up straight away. If you hold on to them and shop around it's possible to offload them to an agricultural system for 90-100c per ton.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:56 pm
by Cyberian Tiger
I'm pretty sure that if you're on one of the nicer trade routes, you can make 10,000 credits per run, now if you avoid the shipping lane, in a fast ship you can get docked, sell, buy, jump pretty damn quickly.

I don't see how piracy can compete with this rate of income.

Having said that piracy is far more challenging. It's such a pain when you've killed 20+ ships and then you die, because you've lost half an hours game time.

I'm just started a no-trading commander to make life a little more difficult for myself. At the start when you have no money it's a little difficult with no fuel scoops.