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ITER - The future?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:20 pm
by CommRLock78
I'm going to have to do some serious busting if you lads (and lasses) in western Europe don't plan and take a little trip here. (I would go to-day if I lived as close as some of you :P). Anyway, I read about this project in my physics book this morning, which gave the link to the project website:
ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate that it is possible to produce commercial energy from fusion.

The [following] formula ... symbolizes the ratio of fusion power to input power. Q ≥ 10 represents the scientific goal of the ITER project: to deliver ten times the power it consumes. From 50 MW of input power, the ITER machine is designed to produce 500 MW of fusion power—the first of all fusion experiments to produce net energy.

During its operational lifetime, ITER will test key technologies necessary for the next step: the demonstration fusion power plant that will prove that it is possible to capture fusion energy for commercial use.

The science going on at ITER—and all around the world in support of ITER—will benefit all of mankind.

We firmly believe that to harness fusion energy is the only way to reconcile huge conflicting demands which will confront humanity sooner or later.

The issue at stake is how to reconcile the imperative, constantly growing demand of the majority of the world's population to raise their standard of living ... with the enormous environmental hazards resulting from the present energy supply ...

... In our opinion, the use of fusion energy is a "must" if we want to be serious about embarking on sustainable development for future generations.
Visiting the ITER: