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Projected Decoy OXP?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:31 pm
by maaarcooose
Okay, I know I'm musing on OXP's today. Fancy making one that's not a ship.

Is there an OXP that projects a hologram decoy of your ship a certain distance away?

I kind of imagine it like that scene in Total Recall (the Arnie version) where Quaid uses the hologram on his wrist to distract the guards.
Would make a good little tactic. Give you're attackers something else to shoot at that isn't real.

I see it working 2 ways:
1. Project an image a distance away from your ship, that follows your every move in parallel with you.
2. The image is projected facing you to begin with and follows yours moves in an opposite manner around a centralised point.

I would put a Total Recall link into the post from YouTube but it looks like they're not available in the UK.


Re: Projected Decoy OXP?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:07 am
by Cpt
Interesting idea I haven't seen an OXP like this yet...

Re: Projected Decoy OXP?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:44 am
by Yah-Ta-Hey
I remember watching that also... the hologram was glitchy and zapped in and out... and worked only at close range.
In order to project a full size vessel,at a sufficient distance, the projector would be fairly large and since you want a projection mirrored in front of you, that means the gun tube would be the logical location. I would not want to bet my life or my ship on a glitzy hologram at the risk of losing my military laser. Someone might just get a kick out of it but I prefer gigajoules of energy coming out my front gun mount. Otherwise. produce the oxp for those who want something like that.

Re: Projected Decoy OXP?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:05 am
by Thargoid
There are decoys in Armoury OXP, and I think perhaps one or two other OXPs too.

Not holograms but same idea.