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Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:51 am
by Rogue7414
Can anyone tell me if this one has been posted or even made into an OXP?

A massive Thargoid Armada heading towards a station/planet intent on that systems total destruction? I've got the Thargoid OXP installed and as part of my Navy reserve duty I've fought in conflict between Navy and the Thargoids near the withcspace beacon. But I was wondering if there's anything out there or that could be made that would inject a sense of doom/dread of a truely massive Thargoid armada heading towards a planet/station and all available combat ships have to hold the line until planet/station is evacuated or Navy reinforcements arrive and try and save the day?

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:00 pm
by Smivs
Rogue7414 wrote:
A massive Thargoid Armada heading towards a station/planet intent on that systems total destruction?
Sounds like you need to check out Xeptatl's Sword. Not so much destruction of a system but an attempt to colonise all of GalCop space starting at (Censored). :)

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:28 pm
by Thargoid
The middle act of my [EliteWiki] TCAT OXP mission fits that bill perfectly.

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:56 pm
by Commander McLane
Also try out [EliteWiki] Thargoid Carrier OXP. It does more or less exactly what you're looking for.

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:00 pm
by Smivs
Thargoid armadas are like London wait for ages then three come along at once! :P

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:15 pm
by Rogue7414
Cheers guys, I've installed both. :D

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:22 pm
by Commander McLane
Rogue7414 wrote:
Cheers guys, I've installed both. :D
Both of the three suggestions? Interesting… :wink:

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:48 pm
by Rogue7414
Lol, I was looking and reading the description of the first two that were suggested so when I typed my reply I hadn't seen your response Commander McLane :oops:

Off to install that one as well.

Cheers again guys.

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:51 pm
by Bogatyr
Rogue7414 wrote:
Can anyone tell me if this one has been posted or even made into an OXP?

A massive Thargoid Armada heading towards a station/planet intent on that systems total destruction? I've got the Thargoid OXP installed and as part of my Navy reserve duty I've fought in conflict between Navy and the Thargoids near the withcspace beacon. But I was wondering if there's anything out there or that could be made that would inject a sense of doom/dread of a truely massive Thargoid armada heading towards a planet/station and all available combat ships have to hold the line until planet/station is evacuated or Navy reinforcements arrive and try and save the day?
Join the Navy reserves, the duties include massive invasion-sized battles in addition to the moderate sized ones.

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:39 am
by Bogatyr
Bogatyr wrote:
Rogue7414 wrote:
Can anyone tell me if this one has been posted or even made into an OXP?

A massive Thargoid Armada heading towards a station/planet intent on that systems total destruction? I've got the Thargoid OXP installed and as part of my Navy reserve duty I've fought in conflict between Navy and the Thargoids near the withcspace beacon. But I was wondering if there's anything out there or that could be made that would inject a sense of doom/dread of a truely massive Thargoid armada heading towards a planet/station and all available combat ships have to hold the line until planet/station is evacuated or Navy reinforcements arrive and try and save the day?
Join the Navy reserves, the duties include massive invasion-sized battles in addition to the moderate sized ones.
p.s. for extra intensity add the Thargoid Carrier OXP -- now that's a beast of a ship.

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:18 am
by Commander McLane
Bogatyr wrote:
p.s. for extra intensity add the Thargoid Carrier OXP -- now that's a beast of a ship.
p.p.s.: If you just want to add a PS to your latest post (or correct a typo, or …), there is a handy "edit" button at its lower right corner, right next to the "quote" button. Using it avoids unnecessary double posting. :wink:

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:50 am
by Fatleaf
But if you want to see the biggest Thargoid armada install Thargoid Carrier, Thargorn Threat and Thargoid Wars go to G2 and induce a missjump. To add balance you could add Galactic Navy and also the Behemoths that go with it. The battle is huge and the rewards with kill count and bounty are large for one fight. Especially after you have collected all the drones you can and shot the rest. Just make sure you have an empty hold first.

But that is of course if you survive. Take a note of your kill count and credits first and compare after.

Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:39 am
by Rogue7414
In Galaxy 2, check.

Thargoid Carrier installed, check.

Thargoid Wars installed, check.

Galactic Navy installed, check.

Thagon Threat, downloaded, installed and working properly, check.


Re: Thargoid armada?

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:46 am
by submersible
Rogue7414 wrote:
In Galaxy 2, check.

Thargoid Carrier installed, check.

Thargoid Wars installed, check.

Galactic Navy installed, check.

Thagon Threat, downloaded, installed and working properly, check.

And that was the last we ever heard from him . Poor beggar - we scream his name across the wide-band in-memoriam occasionally.