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Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:05 am
by Bogatyr
Twice now after landing in a seedy space bar to pick up a new contract, I was greeted by a loud alarm and a call to action to defend the perimeter autominers against evil pirates. Being a proper bounty hunter (well, most of the time...I mean, if you shoot & scoop a Python in an anarchy, does it make a sound?) I immediately launched to defend the bar. But both times, I found nothing....nada, no furball, no battle, nothing. I would land to check the total, and I saw it decreasing, but I saw no signs of any fight whatsoever....

What's going on? How far out does one have to go from the bar to find the battle? I made a full run around the perimeter checking the autominers and didn't find any ships other than other hunters....

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:30 am
by Diziet Sma
That is strange.. the action should be right on your doorstep. Is there anything in the logs that might relate to this?

Commander McLane should be along soon, so perhaps he'll be able to shed some light on things.

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:41 am
by JazHaz
I think I read somewhere on the BB yesterday that Random Hits is not compatible with 1.77? The stations still appear, but the missions are barfed?

Edit: I might be wrong! :oops: :mrgreen:

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:04 pm
by Bogatyr
JazHaz wrote:
I think I read somewhere on the BB yesterday that Random Hits is not compatible with 1.77? The stations still appear, but the missions are barfed?

Edit: I might be wrong! :oops: :mrgreen:
Ah, well that would explain it... the Hits part seem to work fine, though, as do the revenge ambushes (modulo the improper variable name expansion).

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:05 pm
by Bogatyr
Diziet Sma wrote:
That is strange.. the action should be right on your doorstep. Is there anything in the logs that might relate to this?

Commander McLane should be along soon, so perhaps he'll be able to shed some light on things.
Can I check the Latest.log while the game is running? You can't save from a Seedy Space Bar...(?)

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:34 pm
by Diziet Sma
Yes, just open it in another window with the game paused. Or, just wait until you finish your session and check it after you shut down the game.

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:00 pm
by Commander McLane
Diziet Sma wrote:
Commander McLane should be along soon, so perhaps he'll be able to shed some light on things.
To your service. :wink:

However, unfortunately you have summoned the wrong spirit. Try rubbing Eric Walch's flask. He's the current maintainer of Random Hits OXP. :D

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:02 pm
by Diziet Sma
Commander McLane wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
Commander McLane should be along soon, so perhaps he'll be able to shed some light on things.
To your service. :wink:

However, unfortunately you have summoned the wrong spirit. Try rubbing Eric Walch's flask. He's the current maintainer of Random Hits OXP. :D
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Whoops.. my bad..

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:48 pm
by Eric Walch
Bogatyr wrote:
Can I check the Latest.log while the game is running? You can't save from a Seedy Space Bar...(?)
If you are on the Mac, you only see "Previous Log" in the menu, but, if you open the menu with option pressed, you also can open the whole log folder.

About missions, there should be no change with 1.77. Only some odd display bug for some strings. There is one mission though about pirates, going after the mining pods were the pirates start a but further away. That was to allow the player some time to kill them before they reach the auto miners.

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:53 pm
by Diziet Sma
Eric Walch wrote:
There is one mission though about pirates, going after the mining pods were the pirates start a but further away. That was to allow the player some time to kill them before they reach the auto miners.
I've yet to run into that one.. do they appear within scanner range?

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:04 pm
by Eric Walch
Diziet Sma wrote:
do they appear within scanner range?
I had to look it up myself:

Code: Select all

this.setUpMiningpodThief(system.addGroup("pirate", this.anyInt(5,10), pos, 35000));
35 clicks away from the station, so definitely outside scanner range.

One unintended problem of that mission is that the pirates start scooping mining pods, and when you shoot them, the pods release. However, it is illegal to scoop them, so with lots of them in the air, you must make sure you don't accidentally scoop one. :twisted:

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:42 pm
by cim
Eric Walch wrote:
One unintended problem of that mission is that the pirates start scooping mining pods, and when you shoot them, the pods release. However, it is illegal to scoop them, so with lots of them in the air, you must make sure you don't accidentally scoop one. :twisted:
Or for that matter, shoot one, which is very easy to do unless you stop firing at exactly the right time.

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:59 pm
by Bogatyr
Eric Walch wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
do they appear within scanner range?
I had to look it up myself:

Code: Select all

this.setUpMiningpodThief(system.addGroup("pirate", this.anyInt(5,10), pos, 35000));
35 clicks away from the station, so definitely outside scanner range.

One unintended problem of that mission is that the pirates start scooping mining pods, and when you shoot them, the pods release. However, it is illegal to scoop them, so with lots of them in the air, you must make sure you don't accidentally scoop one. :twisted:
Hmm, I did at least one full loop around the perimeter of the automines, returned to the station, where the pirate count had decreased, without a single pirate showing up within the perimeter as far as I could see.

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:42 am
by CmdrLUke
Bogatyr wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
do they appear within scanner range?
I had to look it up myself:

Code: Select all

this.setUpMiningpodThief(system.addGroup("pirate", this.anyInt(5,10), pos, 35000));
35 clicks away from the station, so definitely outside scanner range.

One unintended problem of that mission is that the pirates start scooping mining pods, and when you shoot them, the pods release. However, it is illegal to scoop them, so with lots of them in the air, you must make sure you don't accidentally scoop one. :twisted:
Hmm, I did at least one full loop around the perimeter of the automines, returned to the station, where the pirate count had decreased, without a single pirate showing up within the perimeter as far as I could see.
The "pirates are attacking our autominers emergency" happened again [with no apparent bad guys], and this time I ID'd my fellow yellow blips, and found that they had names with phrases like "(Vile Miscreant)" and "(Dastardly Lout)", which are RH bad guys, but for some reason they had been created as Clean and non-aggressive, so that seems to be an issue...

Re: Seedy space bar emergencies -- where's the beef?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:47 am
by Eric Walch
CmdrLUke wrote:
which are RH bad guys, but for some reason they had been created as Clean and non-aggressive, so that seems to be an issue...
They are created clean on purpose, because they have not committed any crime when added. They only start getting offenders when they start scooping the mining pods. As long as they have not committed any crime, they are clean and they player will be penalised for attacking them. :twisted: