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Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:18 am
by Hans Olo
How do you legitimately clear offender/fugitive status? I've edited the save file before but I feel like that takes some of the pleasure out of the game. Personally I'd rather pay the fine.

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:04 am
by Disembodied
Hans Olo wrote:
How do you legitimately clear offender/fugitive status? I've edited the save file before but I feel like that takes some of the pleasure out of the game. Personally I'd rather pay the fine.
Hi Hans, welcome to the boards! You can legitimately clear your criminal record by jumping to a new system (a high criminal rating will take several jumps to clear); by ejecting from you ship (I think - although this might have changed); and by jumping to a new galaxy. Sometimes you can get fined and made to do some community service (usually, cleaning up after the Craboids), although I don't know what's required to trigger this as I'm too nauseatingly goody-goody to have ever got on the wrong side of the Law (except once, a long time ago, and anyway we're not talking about me ...). But someone with more experience of these things, with a more elastic morality, will no doubt be along shortly to fill in the blanks!

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:10 am
by Cody
Disembodied wrote:
But someone with more experience of these things, with a more elastic morality, will no doubt be along shortly to fill in the blanks!
Ha! I have plenty of experience of these things, but my in-game morals are very far from elastic!
However, I'll not fill-in the blanks - those tricks-of-the-trade are there to be discovered.

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:30 am
by Smivs
Hans Olo wrote:
...offender/fugitive status...
Ha, you must have shot first! :wink: :)
Welcome to the Board.

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:37 am
by Disembodied
El Viejo wrote:
Ha! I have plenty of experience of these things, but my in-game morals are very far from elastic!
However, I'll not fill-in the blanks - those tricks-of-the-trade are there to be discovered.
Well, perhaps you're right: "morality" isn't necessarily the issue here - more a willingness to scamper gleefully back and forth across society's lines and limits ... but in any case, there's at least one more way for those who find themselves on the Naughty Step to get back into GalCop's good books. It's a rough old universe, and everybody needs a bit of assistance from time to time. One hand washes the other, and all that. You help someone out, they might help you out too: stands to reason, don't it?

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:37 pm
by Hans Olo
I have a shady past and would like to think that those days are behind me. I got this latest criminal status without doing anything 'immoral', per-say. I was swarmed by thargoids on a mis-jump and had to use an energy bomb. There just happened to be a Navy Frigate in the area, but whatever, frigates are big. I may have attacked a couple freighters seeing as I was already a criminal though :?

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:29 am
by Diziet Sma
Sorry.. but with that screen-handle, I just have to ask.. do you, perchance, fly a Falcon? :mrgreen:


Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:36 am
by metatheurgist
Hans Olo wrote:
I was swarmed by thargoids on a mis-jump and had to use an energy bomb. There just happened to be a Navy Frigate in the area, but whatever, frigates are big. I may have attacked a couple freighters seeing as I was already a criminal though :?
"Yes, Officer, I indiscriminately used a weapon of mass destruction in a populated area. C'mon, you're booking me for that?! They were NAVY frigates, I thought they could take it! Geez, this is just harrassment! Yeah, then I shot up some traders, but it's not my fault, I was already a criminal!" - videobyte from GALCOPS, a new reality TV show following the exploits of local viper pilots. :lol:

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:08 pm
by Hans Olo
Diziet Sma wrote:
Sorry.. but with that screen-handle, I just have to ask.. do you, perchance, fly a Falcon? :mrgreen:

No, I don't, I have a cobra mk III.

However, I would be most interested. Where do you get that? It's not in the star wars ships OXP

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:11 pm
by Hans Olo
metatheurgist wrote:
Hans Olo wrote:
I was swarmed by thargoids on a mis-jump and had to use an energy bomb. There just happened to be a Navy Frigate in the area, but whatever, frigates are big. I may have attacked a couple freighters seeing as I was already a criminal though :?
"Yes, Officer, I indiscriminately used a weapon of mass destruction in a populated area. C'mon, you're booking me for that?! They were NAVY frigates, I thought they could take it! Geez, this is just harrassment! Yeah, then I shot up some traders, but it's not my fault, I was already a criminal!" - videobyte from GALCOPS, a new reality TV show following the exploits of local viper pilots. :lol:
Yeah, that's pretty much how it went down. :)

I downloaded the Bounty Status OXP and watched my bounty go gradually down to zero. Now I am clean! Whaddya know. I guess you just have to wait and abide by the laws for a while.

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:13 pm
by Cody
Hans Olo wrote:
Where do you get that?

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:43 am
by Diziet Sma
El Viejo wrote:
Hans Olo wrote:
Where do you get that?
And then check out the discussion starting here to see how to enable the turrets on the player version, as well as a few other tweaks to improve playability.

Re: Clearing Offender/Fugitive Status?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:01 pm
by Hans Olo
Oh, cool! Didn't see that as an option. Thanks! Time to start saving up! :wink: