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[Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:54 pm
by Rorschachhamster
Ok, here it is:

I had it flying, but I forgot to make a screenshot, and by the time I remembered, I had deleted the savegame already...
Read more about it
here in the wish ship thread.
Download it from my
box account.
With best regards to Commander McLane!
EDIT: Added a monochrome version, changed the flasher a little. Monochrome and colored versions should work alongside. Downloadlink above has been changed. Have fun!

EDIT2: Added custom views, borrowed from Griff's alternate MKIII model. Link has been changed to Version 1.02
EDIT3: Corrected the shipdata.plist. Link jas been changed to Version 1.03
EDIT4:Corrected the oxp folders numbers, wich showed still 1.02, but all files where 1.03. If you downloaded 1.03 already, with the inside oxp folders claiming 1.02, you could just change the number manually.

Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:17 pm
by Commander McLane
Downloading as we speak!
EDIT: done. One suggestion, though: Please wrap the OXP in another folder and put the readMe into that wrapping folder, next to the OXP. For Mac users an OXP looks like a single file, not a folder, therefore they usually won't open it, and thus never see that it has a readMe.
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:28 pm
by Shipbuilder
Rorschachhamster - That was quick.
Looks good from the screenshot.
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:40 pm
by Eric Walch
Just downloaded it. It was my first favourite SF program as child.

After that startrek copied the concept and went away with the fame.
Just a suggestion for the roles:
Code: Select all
roles = "trader escort pirate hunter police";
- I don't like seeing the ship as 'the bad guy", so probably should not be used for a pirate. It is always nice to see ships that have a role of their own instead of all.
- Probably is escort also bad as to me it should be a lead ship, not a follower.
- Use 'interceptor' instead of 'police'. Both roles are used as police ships but interceptors are more likely used as police in high tech systems.
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:05 pm
by Diziet Sma
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:49 am
by Selezen
I can't believe you got that out in ONE DAY!!
Well done though, looks good.
I'm not bitter...
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:12 am
by Diziet Sma
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:49 am
by Rorschachhamster
Thank you.

And especially thanks to Diziet Sma for the photos I have forgotten to do.
I'm planning to add a new download shortly with a monochrome version.
After looking at the series again, I think I will delete the biggest flasher up on top, as well.
(And the readme file outside of the .oxp, noted. My first thought was: "But I have done that!"

Obviously not.

Some tweaking of the model, maybe, as I haven't done the underside quite correct...

On the other hand, I like it as it is. Well, that happens when you do it fast. Maybe too fast.

I'll leave it be for now. Working on the freighttrain (Huh, sounds like an old blues song.

Somebody else has any ideas/problems/wishes?
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:36 am
by Diziet Sma
Rorschachhamster wrote:Somebody else has any ideas/problems/wishes?
Please please please add some external views to the next version. Half the fun is being able to admire a ship from the outside.
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:51 pm
by Rorschachhamster
Diziet Sma wrote:Rorschachhamster wrote:Somebody else has any ideas/problems/wishes?
Please please please add some external views to the next version. Half the fun is being able to admire a ship from the outside.
Hmm, I had no proplems with the standard external views. I just uploaded the new version without any custom ones...
As I never did external views before, is there something wrong with the standard ones? Too far away?

Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:04 pm
by Diziet Sma
Standard external views? Hmm.. maybe it's time I finally sort out this glitch caused by the Sniper Camera. I got no external views at all with the Orion until I added some myself.
Hold that thought. I'll be back.

Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:19 pm
by Commander McLane
Rorschachhamster wrote:Diziet Sma wrote:Rorschachhamster wrote:Somebody else has any ideas/problems/wishes?
Please please please add some external views to the next version. Half the fun is being able to admire a ship from the outside.
Hmm, I had no proplems with the standard external views. I just uploaded the new version without any custom ones...
As I never did external views before, is there something wrong with the standard ones? Too far away?

What standard external views? The problem is that
you haven't included any external views at all. External views are defined in the
dict in shipdata. Your shipdata don't contain a
dict, therefore there are none until you include that dict. Given the dimensions of the ship, you'll probably be fine with just copying the
dict verbatim. But you have to at least do that.
So why have you been able to use external views in your tests at all? There is a long standing bug in Oolite allowing you to do this. When you buy a new ship, the game engine still uses the external views defined for your old ship, but only until you save and reload your game. After that the views are gone. I thought this would have been squashed years ago, but apparently it wasn't.
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:31 pm
by Rorschachhamster
Commander McLane wrote:What standard external views? The problem is that you haven't included any external views at all. External views are defined in the custom_views
dict in shipdata. Your shipdata don't contain a custom_views
dict, therefore there are none until you include that dict. Given the dimensions of the ship, you'll probably be fine with just copying the cobra3-player
's custom_views
dict verbatim. But you have to at least do that.
So why have you been able to use external views in your tests at all? There is a long standing bug in Oolite allowing you to do this. When you buy a new ship, the game engine still uses the external views defined for your old ship, but only until you save and reload your game. After that the views are gone. I thought this would have been squashed years ago, but apparently it wasn't.
I never was aware of this, as I never had proplems to see my external views via "v". Even with saving and reloading

and flying a custom ship without any defined. I'll add them asap.

Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:36 pm
by Diziet Sma
Ahh.. good.. so I'm
not going crazy.. thanks for explaining things, Commander.
(however, I do still think some of my troubles were caused by having the Sniper Camera still in my AddOns. Could have sworn I'd deleted it already.. ah well.)
And now that the SC
has been deleted, I can confirm that loading the game cold and opening the game-save
does result in external views being available for the Orion.
Re: [Release] Schneller Raumkreuzer der Orionklasse
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:53 pm
by Rorschachhamster
Diziet Sma wrote:Ahh.. good.. so I'm
not going crazy.. thanks for explaining things, Commander.
(however, I do still think some of my troubles were caused by having the Sniper Camera still in my AddOns. Could have sworn I'd deleted it already.. ah well.)
And now that the SC
has been deleted, I can confirm that loading the game cold and opening the game-save
does result in external views being available for the Orion.
Version 1.02has custom views. Link above has been changed, too. And... off to work.