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Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:28 pm
by JensAyton
This is pretty much out of random curiosity, although it may affect coding decisions at some point.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:06 pm
by BlunderBuss Carrotcat II
You can be such a nosey bastard sometimes...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:07 pm
by winston
The poll wasn't terribly representitive for me - I use both MacPPC and Linux (Intel). Linux amd64 would have been a better poll option than Linux PPC - there's many more of the former than the latter.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:28 pm
by BlunderBuss Carrotcat II
He never takes into cosideration the little people...


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:12 am
by JensAyton
winston wrote:
The poll wasn't terribly representitive for me - I use both MacPPC and Linux (Intel). Linux amd64 would have been a better poll option than Linux PPC - there's many more of the former than the latter.
Mkay. I apologise for my limited knowledge of the Dark Side. Then again, I wouldn’t know where to start optimising for AMD64 anyway. ;-)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:56 am
by TedJ
Currently running under linux (x86) at the moment. I'd also be running under OS X on a dual G4, but that would kinda kill my productivity at work... ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:33 am
by winston
Ahruman wrote:
winston wrote:
Mkay. I apologise for my limited knowledge of the Dark Side. Then again, I wouldn’t know where to start optimising for AMD64 anyway. ;-)
The dark side being which? Surely in software, Microsoft is the dark side, not Linux (which is purer than the freshly driven snow, I tell you!) If you're talking about hardware, well, the new Intel Macs are now just standard Intel PCs with EFI instead of the desperately bad BIOS. (And which enclose Treacherous Computing)

So long macppc, you will be missed!

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:25 pm
by stimpee
I have a Mac G4 and a P4 PC so...

but its just Mac so far as the PC version is a bit unstable.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:08 am
by lex_talionis
playing on a G3 the now.

but woo! G4 on the way!

.../me hopes.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:11 pm
by Spooky
Yup, I was the idiot who voted other :D

I'm currently working through building oolite for IRIX. It made sense to have the ultimate 3D game on the ultimate 3D platform :wink: