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Moderation requests

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:42 am
by JensAyton
Someone wrote:
Can the last few posts (back to below my previous one) be split off into a separate thread please?
This sort of thing doesn’t work very well, because there’s no guarantee a moderator will read your post. Also, it doesn’t make sense to leave it in either thread after the split is made, but moderators aren’t in the habit of deleting other people’s posts, so it has to be left in one of them.

Instead, please use the “Report this post” (Image) button at the bottom right of the first post you’d like to see split or otherwise moderated. For a split request, set the Reason field to “Off-topic”, and write that you’d like a split in the Further information field.

“Off-topic” reports are also appropriate for requesting that something be moved to another forum (typically Outworld).

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:51 am
by maik
And it also seems to work for requests to make a thread sticky ;-)

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:15 am
by Thargoid
This thread (the linked one, not the requests one ;) )needs moving to the OXP section please, and maybe merging into this one.

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:18 am
by another_commander
Thargoid wrote:
This thread (the linked one, not the requests one ;) )needs moving to the OXP section please, and maybe merging into this one.
Topic moved to Expansion Pack.

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:46 pm
by snork

I have an administration request, but do not feel it warrants a topic of its own ?

So I am back online - new computer, new modem-router - HOORAY!

But looking through my collected login notes I can not find any notes for this board. :oops:
(arrgh. me stupid again)

I am logged in now because my old browser (Opera) on my old box remembers my login info, but will not display it in clear text to me. So no logging in from my new notebook.
(and the old box shall be turned off and stowed away in some weeks. Or maybe I keep it as a backup device.)

Moreover the email that is set in my account settings is outdated and I have since years (?) no access to it - if it still exists at all.

But I need to enter the old password to set a new one, or to set a new email address. :?

Is it possible for an admin to set a new password and send it to me by e.g. pm here aboard, or something ?

Or must I create a new account ? :( (I like my snork accounts)
so long

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:51 pm
by Cody
Hey snork... good to see you back here. I'll have a look/word to see if we can help. <sends PM to the M&C>

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:18 pm
by aegidian
PM me with your desired account details and I'll (re-)set you up.

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:59 pm
by Thargoid
A thread split is probably needed here please.

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:14 pm
by Celt
Not a moderation request per se, but I administer/moderate a phpBB forum elsewhere . . . Which CAPTCHA module have you installed? . . . We are plagued by Chinese spammers and our CAPTCHA Is ineffective!

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:25 pm
by Cody
I've no idea which Captcha we use - but a certain amount of 'bots (of various nationalities) get through anyway (this varies, on a daily basis, from a steady trickle to the occasional flood). First-post approval helps, of course - but they've still gotta be weeded-out. It keeps us assassins in full-time work - oh, there goes another one.

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:30 pm
by Celt
Sounds like we have the same problem - we had to approve the first ten posts because they got sneaky on us . . . We are more generalist though . . . So easier to make what looks like an innocuous first post on our forum :(

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:33 pm
by Cody
Most forums have the same problem. You are checking the email and IP addresses of new members, using something like SFS, yes?

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:53 pm
by Thargoid
Also a trick if you're unsure is to google their username. If it's a spambot then you'll often find several forum hits for their profile - it's usually a good giveaway that you have a spambot in your sights.

Works for about 90% of the time, unless they get sneaky and have a generic(ish) username, or if you're unlucky and are one of their earlier hits.

But as the guys say, the first post approval is a good one for keeping visible spam from the general board populous.

(I'm not a moderator here, but I am on another very busy and large board).

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:44 pm
by JensAyton
We use ReCAPTCHA, which significantly reduces the number of bots that actually get to post anything, but our main defence is user groups. Newly registered users are put in a group called, helpfully, Newly Registered Users, and their posts are invisible to other users until approved by a moderator. They also can’t send private messages or set signatures or avatars until they’re approved.

I can’t remember where this moderation behaviour is set up, though.

Re: Moderation requests

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:50 pm
by Celt
Cody wrote:
Most forums have the same problem. You are checking the email and IP addresses of new members, using something like SFS, yes?
Yeah we do a whois checks against them and there is a discernible email address pattern for 99% of the spam sign ups (and we have practically IP range banned the whole of mainland China!). The user groups thing has limited use for us, but we resorted to a Q&A CAPTCHA system as ReCAPTCHA didn't stop many. unfortunately we are not in control of the server itself so IP checking services aren't configured . . . Swings and roundabouts, but I remember you had a double CAPTCHA when I signed up, which we don't have . . .