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[RELEASE] The Diamond

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:13 pm
by mandoman
The Diamond is a real gem (hehe, sorry, couldn't help myself). This is one funky looking ship. It LOOKS beautifully scary. The ball turrets sticking out at eight different points of the ship are frightening enough all alone, but add in the 12 missiles and aft and forward lasers, and this becomes a truly formidable ship. That said, it is NOT a hunter. I tried it, and it's not a good idea, unless you are only handling two or three ships. Attack a pirate cove or gang of pirates, unless you have an Energy Bomb, or several Super Missiles, you are surely dog meat. It just doesn't have the spead, or manouverability of a hunter. That said, it DOES make a wonderful trade ship. The only ship I have built that is better equiped for trading/self defense is the Genesis, and the NPC version of that ship has six escorts. The Diamond does NOT have escorts, unless you decide to hire a few on your shipping runs. It's max speed is a respectable 320, with a max energy level of 500. Energy recharge rate is 3.5, though, so if you get into a fight, you better have an escape plan as your attackers will overwhelm you before you can recharge enough to beat them. It's max cargo is 100 tons, so it carries a pretty good size load. Put the high end load together with the ability to defend itself fairly well, and you have a good trader vessel. Better than average. I had a blast testing this one out thouroughly, and I hope you will like it as well.







Re: [RELEASE] The Diamond

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:11 pm
by Geraldine
Now if that ship were textured fully in chrome, it would be a dead ringer for the "fast" ship in Flight Of The Navigator. Nice work mandoman 8) ... gator-1986

Re: [RELEASE] The Diamond

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:08 pm
by mandoman
Geraldine wrote:
Now if that ship were textured fully in chrome, it would be a dead ringer for the "fast" ship in Flight Of The Navigator. Nice work mandoman 8) ... gator-1986
I've neve heard of that ship before, but thanks for the kind words. :)

Re: [RELEASE] The Diamond

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:25 pm
by Fatleaf
Geraldine wrote:
Now if that ship were textured fully in chrome, it would be a dead ringer for the "fast" ship in Flight Of The Navigator. Nice work mandoman 8) ... gator-1986
Ahh... I love that movie. It is one of my all time favourites. Going to have to watch it soon... again!