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[Solved]Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:47 am
by CommRLock78
My save games' path is as follows ~/oolite-saves/Old-oolite-saves/

I keep some older saves, as well as a copy of my current commander's save file in 'Old-oolite-saves'. Occasionally, I have pasted the current save file into the 'Old-oolite-saves' folder, and now I'm noticing, even with the current backup deleted (so no file in that folder carries that filename anymore) Oolite the game still sees these older pastes (I'm guessing) and can even load them :? , yet the file browser ('caja', formerly 'nautilus') doesn't see these files, nor does the terminal for that matter :? :? :? . I even tried deleting the folder and putting each file back into the new folder one by one.

Any ideas where these files are, and how Oolite is still managing to see and load them :?:

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:53 pm
by Lone_Wolf

Not sure if you know this, but when deleting files most filesystems just mark the file as deleted, but don't overwrite it's data or header.

It seems possible that oolite stores save file names and locations in it's cache.

Try starting oolite with shift-p to have the cache rebuild completely.

Note : i'm not sure if it is shift-p , as i usually just delete the cache-file.
on my system i use

Code: Select all

rm ~/GNUstep/Library/Caches/Oolite-cache.plist

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:14 am
by CommRLock78
Lone_Wolf wrote:
Try starting oolite with shift-p to have the cache rebuild completely.

Note : i'm not sure if it is shift-p , as i usually just delete the cache-file.
on my system i use

Code: Select all

rm ~/GNUstep/Library/Caches/Oolite-cache.plist
Thanks Lone_Wolf, I thought for sure your idea would work, but sadly, they are still there (they still load, too, of course :? ). This is just weird. I even tried making a new old save folder again, then removed the cache (went as far as hold shift and then shift+p while starting oolite, for good measure ;)).

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:51 am
by Getafix
Hi CommRLock78,

could you, please, execute the following in a terminal window?
(give your password when prompted)

Code: Select all

$ cd /
$ sudo find . -name oolite-save -print 2> /dev/null
This should list all the Oolite save-files.
Check if there are more than one occurrences of your <commander-name>.oolite-save file.

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:42 pm
by CommRLock78
Thanks for looking out Getafix, this is still a problems that's hanging around and bugging me :D. I went ahead and entered the command (with the addition of *.oolite-save ;)). I didn't see any thing odd, but here's the output, anyway....

Code: Select all

/ $ sudo find . -name *.oolite-save -print 2> /dev/null
./home/robert/oolite-saves/RB Lock.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/Robert the Bastard.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock Inines.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock Isdilaon-Ring-Station (Gal 7).oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock Tianve II.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock Assassins Final.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock 1978 kills.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock NEATEST of Galaxy 2.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock Tianve.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock AssassinsBU.oolite-save
./home/robert/oolite-saves/OLD-oolite-saves/RB Lock BOA.oolite-save
./home/robert/Desktop/tmp-share/RB Lock.oolite-save 

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:08 pm
by Tricky
CommRLock78 wrote:

Code: Select all

./home/robert/Desktop/tmp-share/RB Lock.oolite-save 
What's that?

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:18 am
by CommRLock78
Tricky wrote:
CommRLock78 wrote:

Code: Select all

./home/robert/Desktop/tmp-share/RB Lock.oolite-save 
What's that?
Something completely unrelated.... it's not even in the directory in question. Try looking at the first post :roll: .

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:07 pm
by Getafix
CommRLock78 wrote:
Thanks for looking out Getafix, this is still a problems that's hanging around and bugging me :D...
I consider this as a brain-teaser. :)

Please, execute the following commands in a terminal window and post the outputs.
Note: Don't change the "find" expressions... they are correct this time. :P

Code: Select all

$ which oolite
$ cd ~/oolite-saves
$ ls -alR
$ cd /
$ sudo find . -name oolite -print 2> /dev/null
$ for i in `sudo find . -name *olite*desktop -print 2> /dev/null`; do echo $i; grep Exec $i; echo; done
By the way, are you running Oolite from its desktop/menu icon or from a terminal window?

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:02 pm
by CommRLock78
Getafix wrote:
I consider this as a brain-teaser. :)
That's how I've been looking at it ;)
Getafix wrote:
By the way, are you running Oolite from its desktop/menu icon or from a terminal window?
I run oolite from the menu almost exclusively, unless it's crashing I use the GUI to run it :D.

Anyway, here's the output of the commands:

Code: Select all

robert@Mint13-DX4860 ~/oolite-saves $ which oolite
robert@Mint13-DX4860 ~/oolite-saves $ ls -alR
total 264
drwx------  3 robert robert   4096 Aug 21 11:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 98 robert robert   4096 Aug 21 02:17 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 robert robert   4096 Aug 12 03:05 OLD-oolite-saves
-rw-------  1 robert robert 220408 Aug 17 18:36 RB Lock.oolite-save
-rw-------  1 robert robert  34200 Jul  4 16:52 Robert the Bastard.oolite-save

total 1484
drwxr-xr-x 2 robert robert   4096 Aug 12 03:05 .
drwx------ 3 robert robert   4096 Aug 21 11:52 ..
-rw------- 1 robert robert 146239 May  1 13:59 RB Lock 1978 kills.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert 180575 Jul  3 19:08 RB Lock AssassinsBU.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert 199657 Jul 10 15:12 RB Lock Assassins Final.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert  47401 Feb  9  2012 RB Lock BOA.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert 213632 Jul 26 01:31 RB Lock Inines.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert 184044 Jul  4 14:13 RB Lock Isdilaon-Ring-Station (Gal 7).oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert  97761 Mar 12 04:52 RB Lock NEATEST of Galaxy 2.oolite-save
-rw-r--r-- 1 robert robert 218800 Aug 12 03:05 RB Lock.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert 143051 Apr 11 00:27 RB Lock Tianve II.oolite-save
-rw------- 1 robert robert  63747 Feb 11  2012 RB Lock Tianve.oolite-save
robert@Mint13-DX4860 ~/oolite-saves $ cd /
robert@Mint13-DX4860 / $ sudo find . -name oolite -print 2> /dev/null
robert@Mint13-DX4860 / $ for i in `sudo find . -name *olite*desktop -print 2> /dev/null`; do echo $i; grep Exec $i; echo; done

Thanks again Getafix - always good to have proactive feedback! :P.

Edit: I was considering these last few terminal commands. I know quite a bit about 'find', which I had to teach myself to use correctly (at first I was leaving out the '-name' option :lol:). 'which' was new to me, too (more familiar with 'whereis'), but what is really interesting is:

Code: Select all

$ for i in `sudo find . -name *olite*desktop -print 2> /dev/null`; do echo $i; grep Exec $i; echo; done
The best I can tell from my cursory research is that is sets a loop for a elevated command. I've learned a lot about using Linux in the last 7 months, but clearly I have much more to learn ;).

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:21 pm
by JensAyton
Lone_Wolf wrote:
It seems possible that oolite stores save file names and locations in it's cache.
For the record, no. That would be silly.

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:33 pm
by CommRLock78
Ahruman wrote:
Lone_Wolf wrote:
It seems possible that oolite stores save file names and locations in it's cache.
For the record, no. That would be silly.
Thanks for the info Ahruman. Interesting - it sure seemed like a good thought, considering the situation.

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:31 pm
by CommRLock78
Off topic Getafix, but your signature has caught my attention on more than one occassion (twice, to be exact). I have a bit more to learn in my own study of physics before I'll be getting my head completely around this paper, but at least I can say that it isn't all 'Greek' at this point in time (I'm in my junior year of a Physics BS - of both that and a Music composition/theory BA ;) ). This fact sure makes people's job at SETI that much more difficult :D; and goes to show that we may have gotten an intelligent signal and not even been aware of it :shock: .

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:46 pm
by Tricky
CommRLock78 wrote:
Off topic Getafix, but your signature has caught my attention on more than one occassion (twice, to be exact). I have a bit more to learn in my own study of physics before I'll be getting my head completely around this paper, but at least I can say that it isn't all 'Greek' at this point in time (I'm in my junior year of a Physics BS - of both that and a Music composition/theory BA ;) ). This fact sure makes people's job at SETI that much more difficult :D; and goes to show that we may have gotten an intelligent signal and not even been aware of it :shock: .
Really off-topic... Interesting paper, reminds me of this I downloaded 5 or 6 years ago... On Distributed Communications, by The RAND Corporation - Santa Monica, California, USA
Really old paper. No, I mean REALLY OLD. About mid 1960's.

EDIT: You might recognize this as the pre-cursor to the Internet.

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:22 am
by CommRLock78
Tricky wrote:
EDIT: You might recognize this as the pre-cursor to the Internet.
No doubt :P - thanks for the share Tricky. I think Vanevar Bush's ideas were the first step towards a world-wide knowledge repository and this paper definitely takes it a few steps further than what he was considering.

Re: Save game "ghost" file anomaly

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:06 am
by Tricky