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Assistance Required

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:03 pm
by DredgerMan
Hi all,

due to a discussion on one of the forums ... 21#p177721 and due to me being a complete num'skull who wouldn't know programming if it stood up in front of me, waved its hands and shouted: "Oi, I'm programming, I am!"

I am looking for a kind soul who could create an Ixian Freighter in Ferrooori Red with oodles of chrome on it and with Smivs' 'Otrod written on the two nacelles.

My thanks will be eternal.

Re: Assistance Required

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:19 pm
by Smivs
DredgerMan wrote:
I am looking for a kind soul who could create an Ixian Freighter in Ferrooori Red with oodles of chrome on it and with Smivs' 'Otrod written on the two nacelles.
No way, José!

Re: Assistance Required

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:44 pm
by onno256
it would still need two big engines in the back ;)

Re: Assistance Required

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:58 pm
by Fatleaf
DredgerMan wrote:
Hi all,

due to a discussion on one of the forums ... 21#p177721 and due to me being a complete num'skull who wouldn't know programming if it stood up in front of me, waved its hands and shouted: "Oi, I'm programming, I am!"

I am looking for a kind soul who could create an Ixian Freighter in Ferrooori Red with oodles of chrome on it and with Smivs' 'Otrod written on the two nacelles.

My thanks will be eternal.
Many of us here were in the same boat as you DredgerMan with regard to not being able to code. Some even didn't know what a .plist was :roll: but if you give it a go it is surprising how much you can learn in a short time. Quite a few of us here would be only too happy to help you when you get stuck.

It is a lot better than requesting for someone else to do all the work for you :wink:

Re: Assistance Required

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:40 pm
by DredgerMan
Hey Fatleaf, :)

I fear you have mistaken my topic as genuine. With me it is best to take liberal amounts of salt with anything that I jot down. Occasionally I can behave like an adult and be all .... business like but I hope the context of the message would make that clear. In this case I felt that Smivs with his response was entitled to receive something in kind.

And the general intent was purely to get a few grins, which is what happened so that was as far as I would have taken it. Truth be told I have looked into trying my hand at programming (especially the Local Hero update) but the depth of programming nowadays required with all the additional features on offer that JS, normalmapping and the like can give makes it a daunting and ever extending task.

Obviously OXP's are made to be used and when I look at what I produced (tried to produce) in the pre-JS days and what is on offer nowadays, there is a HUGE difference, to the point that I am convinced that even I would not want to use an OXP that I created because it will fall well short of the others.

I remember playing Elite on the Speccie, and to be honest, until I saw a few screen shots of that game on the ZX, I did not remember the ships being wireframed. For me at the time, they were proper ships, as lifelike as the ones you see now. But compare those wireframes to the standard Oolite ships and then compare them to the Griff enhanced versions.

There is a massive difference between the three groups and I can simply not see myself producing anything that would be even coming close to being as good as the current OXP material. So I won't. I have just too much respect for the sterling work that all OXP-builders have done before.

Re: Assistance Required

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:28 pm
by DredgerMan
The above is not to say that I would not want to assist where needed. My strong suit is just being a bit more creative as a writer. So if you, or anyone, needs a few lines as story or filling up of the wiki, then please do not hesitate to holler.