New Mission OXP - Any Ideas?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:20 pm
As work is nearly "finished" on my Taxi Galactica OXP (which hopefully will be released as a 1.0 release tonight!), I've begun preliminary work on a mission OXP set in Galaxy 8, as nothing much is going on there at the moment. It's going to be called Galactic Traitor, and will deal with the fallout of working for an organisation that does not have the Galactic Co-Operative's best interests at heart...
However, I'm looking for a few ideas to go into this project as I have a basic plot and a few features planned out but I would be eager to hear other people's thoughts and ideas on the matter. So far I have the following (which for the sake of spoliers is written in rot13):
However, I'm looking for a few ideas to go into this project as I have a basic plot and a few features planned out but I would be eager to hear other people's thoughts and ideas on the matter. So far I have the following (which for the sake of spoliers is written in rot13):
- Gur BKC fgnegf bss jvgu n pbzchgre tyvgpu jvgu lbhe Tnynpgvp Ulcreqevir, znxvat vg oebxra naq haercnvenoyr, naq genccvat lbh va Tnynkl 8.
- Nsgre n srj whzcf, lbh ner n bssrerq n srj engure eha-bs-gur-zvyy zvffvbaf vaibyivat genafcbegvat fbzr pnetb naq cnffratref gb inevbhf cynprf sbe n fznyy betnavfngvba, jub jvyy cnl n fznyy ohg snve nzbhag sbe gur jbex qbar
- Jura gurfr zvffvba unir orra pbzcyrgrq, lbh fgneg gb erprvir arjf ercbegf bs cbyvpr naq aniny sbeprf nsgre n cvybg, sylvat n fuvc zngpuvat lbhef gung unf orra nvqvat naq norggvat xabja greebevfgf.
- Nsgre frireny whzcf, lbh jvyy or pbasebagrq jura qbpxvat ng n znva fgngvba ol cbyvpr, fgngvat lbh unir qrfvtangrq n Genvgbe gb gur Pb-Bcrengvir, naq abj unir n svkrq obhagl bs n irel ynetr ahzore hcba lbh. Lbh pna gel naq oevor gur cbyvpr gb yrg lbh pbzr nobneq gur fgngvba, be lbh pna znxr n eha sbe vg!
- Lbh gura or uhagrq qbja ol nyy cbyvpr sbeprf, obhagl uhagref naq aniny sbeprf, nf jryy nf bgure urnquhagref, nf lbh orpbzr gur Tnynkl'f Zbfg Jnagrq pevzvany, juvyfg gelvat gb svaq crbcyr jub pna uryc pyrne lbhe anzr naq gnxr eriratr ba gubfr jub tbg lbh vagb guvf zrff va gur svefg cynpr!