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Circumstellar Habitable Zone

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:54 pm
by CommRLock78
I thought I'd share one more for the day :D . I actually found this one about a year ago. I'm glad it is still up. I suggest setting the star mass to 0.80 solar masses, and an initial distance of 0.66 AU to see a planetary system that would outlast our own by about 7 billion years. It goes to show that there is very likely some highly advanced life around these K-type stars, life that's billions of years older than life here on earth :shock: .

Have fun with it, I know I have ;).

Re: Circumstellar Habitable Zone

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:05 am
by Pleb
Lol I like this, you can have some very varied results from the slightlest tweaks. There are quite a few sites like this but I just can't remember any atm. There was one that you could change a moons orbit to see if it would crash into the planet or go off into space, and another one involving asteroids... Again can't remember what they're called or where they are but if I do I'll share the links with all!

Re: Circumstellar Habitable Zone

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:01 pm
by CommRLock78
Pleb wrote:
Lol I like this, you can have some very varied results from the slightlest tweaks. There are quite a few sites like this but I just can't remember any atm. There was one that you could change a moons orbit to see if it would crash into the planet or go off into space, and another one involving asteroids... Again can't remember what they're called or where they are but if I do I'll share the links with all!
Please do! That sounds awesome :mrgreen: .

You are right about the slight changes - it goes to show how every system is a balancing act, and that a slight change of mass, or in distance from the parent star, makes the difference between a world that is habitable for billions of years or a world that becomes tidally locked after a half billion years.