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Galactic Navy 5.4.3 picketsweeperAI.plist error

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:00 pm
by SandJ
Funny I've never seen this before in Latest.log:

Code: Select all

19:36:40.593 [script.deprecated.scriptActionOnTarget]: ----- WARNING in AI picketsweeperAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_TARGETS: the AI method scriptActionOnTarget: is deprecated and should not be used. It is slow and has unpredictable side effects. The recommended alternative is to use sendScriptMessage: to call a function in a ship's JavaScript ship script instead. scriptActionOnTarget: should not be used at all from scripts. An alternative is safeScriptActionOnTarget:, which is similar to scriptActionOnTarget: but has less side effects.
19:37:45.457 [script.deprecated.scriptActionOnTarget.repeat]: ----- WARNING in AI picketsweeperAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_TARGETS: the AI method scriptActionOnTarget: is deprecated and should not be used.

Re: Galactic Navy 5.4.3 picketsweeperAI.plist error

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:11 pm
by Switeck
Probably best added to the Galactic Navy thread:

Re: Galactic Navy 5.4.3 picketsweeperAI.plist error

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:18 pm
by SandJ
Switeck wrote:
Probably best added to the Galactic Navy thread:
Oops. There were 28 Galactic Navy threads to choose from , and 17 of those in Expansion packs. I went through the earlier ones thinking they would be right, and I thought the "Strikes Back" one was the discussion about replacing it. In desperation I did what many others have done before me and started a new one. Hey ho.