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Problems registering on the bulletin board

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:52 am
by Shipbuilder
I thought that it was worth me mentioning that I had problems registering on the Bulletin Board and after much searching around on the web I managed to find contact details of someone kind enough to help me out (I mention this in case there are others out there trying to register but unable to do so).

The problem was with regard to my E-Mail address, (some E-Mail addresses, especially those ending with numbers, apparently are rejected during the registration process), and though I did try an alternative E-Mail address this was also rejected.

The solution I was given which worked fine was to register using a temporary E-Mail address available from the following website and then ask one of the administrators to update my account detail with my correct E-mail address.

I hope that if there is anyone else out there experiencing problems this helps.

Re: Problems registering on the bulletin board

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:08 pm
by Cody
There is a contact email address in plain sight on the website, links section.
Should there be an easily visible one on the forum index page as well, perhaps?

Re: Problems registering on the bulletin board

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:24 pm
by Shipbuilder
Hi El Viejo - I did try the E-Mail on the links page of the website but for whatever reason didn't receive any response.

I do think however that it would be useful to have E-Mail address on the forum index page.

Perhaps also a note explaining that some e-mails ending in numbers, i.e. joebloggs123@...., may experience problems and that an alternative E-Mail address be used in this case to register !

Re: Problems registering on the bulletin board

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:28 pm
by Cody
Shipbuilder wrote:
Hi El Viejo - I did try the E-Mail on the links page of the website but for whatever reason didn't receive any response.
Aye, and it doesn't present that address as a forum Admin contact either. I did chuckle when I saw your temporary address - sharklasers indeed!

Re: Problems registering on the bulletin board

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:07 am
by Selezen
Is it worth a change to the header area of the BB to include a link to a support email address, or even just a line saying "Please report any problems to xxxxx"?

I think phpBB has some customisable fields that will allow that and might have some that are specific to the registration screens...