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Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:04 am
by Diziet Sma
Yep.. 'tis me.. (I?)

After almost 2 years away from here, in which time I haven't read any posts, or been to the Wiki, nor even played Oolite, I'm back. 8)

Major health hassles, major family hassles, major RL hassles, major girlfriend hassles (not her, per se, just things conspiring against us) and anything else you can name, have all combined to keep me too preoccupied to even touch my favourite game.. :shock:

My time is rather more limited than before (how the hell did I manage to become a Moderator on FOUR other forums? :shock: ) but I'll participate as able.

Dizzy's Oolite Downloads will be getting a makeover, I've already updated my US mirror of the Oolite Vector Maps to match the latest versions, and edited the Wiki to reflect the changes.

I was delighted with the updated version of the OXP pages on the Wiki (thanks, maik) but was a little disappointed to see that my favourite micro-OXP Far Sun didn't have an entry in the Ambience category, so I've made a page for it and updated both the main OXP page and the Ambience category accordingly.

Now to the important bit: Oolite.

Wow... wow, wow, wow and wow.. (did I mention wow?)

Maybe I should stay away more often.. :) seriously though.. kudos to all the developers involved, all the OXP authors, and especially all the new OXP authors..

1.76 looks and runs beautifully.. 2 days ago, I loaded up my poor old laptop with more eye-candy than it had a hope of running, and went poking about. Looking GOOD, folks!

I've now, (with great reluctance, admittedly) removed enough of said eye-candy to get a passable frame-rate, and have started off a brand-new Commander Dizzy to commemorate the occasion.. I've been mostly milk-running so far, trying to finance an iron ass, after which I'll be getting back into Random Hits in a big way.. :twisted:

Some observations:

@ Pagroove, PhantorGorth & Svengali.. BGS looks to be everything we were hoping it could be, back when it first became possible to insert new backgrounds.. it's like a complete makeover for the game! 8) I love the look, I love the background sounds, and the entire atmosphere it creates.. I especially dig the comms chatter when in the Station Aegis.. so atmospheric.. (I had no idea spacers said "no worries" so much.. :lol: ) You even got it nicely integrated with HalSis, which I very much appreciate.. (and that new witchspace jump animation.. there aren't the words to even express how frickin' awesome that looks!)

Special mention to CommonSenseOTB.. some serious effort there, mate.. and some good work! I love the NumericHUD.. the logical, balanced layout, even the joystick precision mode indicator is well placed.. and I especially like the items that disappear when not actually needed.. great idea. Your Sniper Camera System is another great gadget..

I've also been making some notes of minor issues and incompatibilities that I've spotted in some OXPs that don't seem to have been mentioned anywhere, so I'll be in touch with some authors directly about those..

It's great to be back, folks! I'm looking forward to getting to know all the new faces/names, and catching up with all my old mates here! 8)


Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:13 am
by Disembodied
Welcome back, Dizzy! Good to see you again. We thought you were lost in witchspace – glad to see you made it back to reality in one piece! :wink:

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:19 am
by maik
Thanks for the heads up and welcome back :) Indeed, there has been incredible progress in the past two years on everything Oolite and especially the developers (both Oolite and OXPs) can't be praised enough!

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:30 pm
by Cody
There goes the neighbourhood! Good to see you, Diz!

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:20 pm
by Diziet Sma
You too, El Veijo! What happened? You look almost respectable these days.. :lol:

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:24 pm
by Cody
Diziet Sma wrote:
You look almost respectable these days..
Ha! That'll be the day! I'm still a fugitive/offender along the 'lanes!

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:41 pm
by another_commander
Hey Dizzy, good to see you back! It's been a long time.

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:11 pm
by Commander McLane
Welcome back! :D

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:41 pm
by Griff
Hi Dizzy, welcome back man!

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:37 am
by Diziet Sma
Thanks for the welcome, guys.. :D

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:36 pm
by Svengali
Hey - Dizzy! What a nice surprise :D Welcome back, mate 8)

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:55 pm
by Thargoid
Ah well, there goes the galaxy... :twisted:

Good to have you back. Next stop OXPCentral?

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:55 am
by Diziet Sma
Thargoid wrote:
Next stop OXPCentral?
I still have the domain name.. but no real plans for it.. things seem to have improved somewhat on the OXP front since I was here last..

On the other hand, some kind of update tracking, auto-notification system might still be useful. Whaddaya think? :mrgreen:

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:06 am
by SandJ
Hello, prodigal Dizzy. I'm a newbie who snuck in while you were away.
Diziet Sma wrote:
On the other hand, some kind of update tracking, auto-notification system might still be useful. Whaddaya think? :mrgreen:
Absolutely. It is a time-consuming faff having to heck on this forum and the OXP list and the Wiki changes log to see if things have been updated.

A simple "change log" would be a help. A thread on here (not ideal as it would be very long) or a page on the Wiki (not ideal as not everyone can update it) would be potential solutions:

2012-03-15 Update - Oolite Voice Control
2012-03-15 Update - Oolite Instruction Manual
2012-03-15 New OXP - Tracker v1.0
2012-03-16 Update - Armoury OXP v1.10
2012-03-16 Update - Tracker.OXP v1.1
2012-03-23 Update - Talkative Space compass v1.03

or perhaps the OXP List history is good enough for that?

It is certainly a damn nuisance when changing machines and wanting to check everything is up-to-date, especially when some OXPs have no version number and - worse - others get released at one version, then patched a few hours later with the version number left the same, despite a bunch of people having already downloaded it.

Re: Guess who's back ?!?!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:29 am
by Kaks
Aha, I did seem to faintly remember the name... 2 years you say? Wow, doesn't time fly! :D