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Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:42 pm
by mandoman
This ship is the Ventura. It is suited for one role, shipping. It is not overly slow, but not fast, by any means, either. It can carry 80 tons of cargo, and because of it's eight powerful motors, it has a max energy of 500, with a recharge rate of 5.5. Whoaa, you might say, but it isn't what you expect. I ran this ship time after time on different shipping runs, as well as encountering it among pirate groups, and the thing just ain't a threat. When flying cargo missions with it, it was a quick missile launch at primary aggressors, and pumping up the fuel injection that saved me, not to mention the occasional GalCop. It can carry up to eight missiles, and they come in very handy. It is large enough to be tricky at a space station docking, but install docking computers, and you have no worries. The npc version comes with three YellowJacket escorts, so I have included the YellowJacket oxp in this package, just in case you want it. If you don't want the YellowJacket, there is no reason to even unzip it. The Ventura.






This is what it looks like in aft view, when you are using the fuel injectors.


Re: [RELEASE]VenturaV1.2.0xp

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:06 pm
by maik
added to the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki]

Re: [RELEASE]VenturaV1.2.0xp

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:39 am
by mandoman
Please reload this ship, if you are still interrested, as I found an entry in shipdata.plist that is an error. The first version has the entry "max_speed", while it should read "max_flight_speed". The new release has corrected the error. Thanks.