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mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:13 am
by alexxxm
hi guys,
I'm a Frontier redux, and I discovered Oolite since some days - and wonderful days they were, gaining honestly some money between Diso&Leesti!

I just found out about the existence of the OXPs, and my 1st reaction was to run and install them all, I dont know why I would have to choose, every one of'em seems to be some great idea to increase realism/depth/storyline...

so, my question: it can be done? I didnt find in the OXP wiki (and I suggest it could be written there) any warning about memory usage and/or conflict (just in the forums I found out that the HUDS conflict, but that's another matter). Also, there are OXPs that once installed require a career restart? (I finally reached the threshold of ~ 3000 $/euros/whatever and that needed time! My pilot is well backed-up, dont want to do it again...).

So: any warnings? And... how many OXP do you guys use, on average? Any suggestions about not-to-be-missed OXPs?


Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:35 am
by Smivs
Hi Alessandro,
Don't do it!
Seriously don't just grab as many OXPs as you can and just install them all, for that road leads to disaster.
The recommended approach is to introduce OXPs one at a time, play with them for a few days and get used to them...see what they do and how they affect gameplay etc. This way you will learn everything you need to know about each one, and if there are any conflicts or problems it makes it very easy to pin down the culprit or the cause of the problem.
The usual 'best advice' is to start with eye-candy. Replace the ships, stations asteroids and planets etc first. This alone will massively improve your enjoyment of the game, then carefully select other OXPs that you really think will add to your game.
The truth is, if you install everything you will never know what you've got or how to use half of it, and you'll end up with a load of stuff you almost certainly don't want. And remember many will affect gameplay quite significantly. Oolite is an excellent game because it is balanced, and over-use of OXPs will affect that balance, and not necessarily in a good way.
For what it's worth, I currently have 12 OXPs installed, and that is actually quite a lot by my standards...I often run on just three or four.

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:46 am
by cim
alexxxm wrote:
so, my question: it can be done?
There are a few OXPs where - like the HUDs - it's at best pointless to install them both at once (System Redux and System Demux, for instance, both retexture the main planet and add some other moons and planets to the system, so you don't need both). They'll be obvious enough.

If you've got a reasonably modern computer, it's unlikely you'll run out of memory or anything by adding OXPs.

There are a couple of OXPs (e.g. Zeke's Mining Transporter) that set up alternative starting scenarios, but other than that they can generally be installed for existing commanders.
alexxxm wrote:
So: any warnings? And... how many OXP do you guys use, on average? Any suggestions about not-to-be-missed OXPs?
Depending on what sort of universe you want to play in, you may well find that some OXPs don't really fit with your play style. Install them, try them out, take them out if you change your mind.

As regards my recommendations:
- Escort Contracts, Random Hits and UPS Courier all add interesting mini-missions. Galactic Navy does too, but you'll want an iron ass first.
- Povray Planets has amazing planet textures if you can take the download size
- Snoopers is good fun reading the news (and also is used more seriously by other OXPs, so you'll probably need it)
- Obviously I think all of my OXPs are great ... but in all seriousness if you're going to install "everything" my Talkative Space Compass will make your Advanced Space Compass far more useful.

As regards warnings:
- if you install lots of ship OXPs, you may find the original Cobras, Sidewinders and Kraits becoming really rare sights. If you install multiple shipset OXPs (i.e. some or all of Griff, Neolite, Smivs, Shady Sungs and Deepspace) in "addition" mode (one can be replace mode instead) then this will balance it out. Of course, you might like the original ships being rarer.
- pretty much every OXP which adds extra stations to systems outside the main station will make the game easier by providing a refuelling stop and often a place where you can buy or sell goods at a different price. With the right/wrong combination installed, you can make more money flying around inside a system than you could by flying between systems. This may or may not be what you want to happen.
- as Smivs says, don't install lots of OXPs at once. Do them a few at a time, decide if you want to keep them or not, and then install more.

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:41 pm
by snork
Hej alexxxm,

for what it's worth, I currently have 19 oxps installed (counting all the YAH ones as one OXP), though counting them now I see one has become obsolete and will be deleted soon.

I would and will install a lot more, but am on too old hardware for some oxps.

These very days I am a bit kept from actually playing Oolite, because right now I want to read about most oxps and sort them by my own difficulty rating.
It really is much to read and sort, but there is no shortcut to it.

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:48 pm
by Smivs
One other (good) bit of advice concerns mission OXPs. It sounds obvious I know, but there is no point installing a mission set say in Galaxy Five, if you are not in Galaxy Five.
Take your time going through the OXP table, and then follow up any OXPs that catch your interest. The table will link to the OXP's wiki page, its discussion thread here or the author's website, so it's easy to find out lots about them.

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:16 pm
by Greyth
I did that Smivs... went round installing things like a machine for installing things... like an alcoholic in an off license.

One OXP that changes the feel of the game dramatically without actually changing anything (gameplay wise) is BGS. Strangely it's one that I didn't load but saw running on a friends machine! Brings to mind 'Privateer: The Darkening'?

Good luck!

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:25 pm
by SandJ
If you install OXPs that give access to uber-weapons, you will also be on the receiving end of them which will spoil the game for you early on as you get killed very frequently.

Installing the Explorer's Club OXP early is a good idea.

The Scanner Targeting Enhancement makes life easier. It enables the Bounty Scanner which makes life more interesting and becoming a Bounty Hunter becomes viable.

Once you have the Cargo Scoop, install the Cargo Wreck Teaser.

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:32 pm
by maik
snork wrote:
These very days I am a bit kept from actually playing Oolite, because right now I want to read about most oxps and sort them by my own difficulty rating.
It really is much to read and sort, but there is no shortcut to it.
Could the fruits of your labour be interesting to use in the wiki?

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:19 pm
by snork
:lol: probably not, maybe - if I am happy with the result - on a subpage in my userspace, but not more.

I want to have raising level of difficulty with advancing through the galactic sectors. So g1 is easy and g8 is pure hell.
That won't really be possible, and also I may not want to wait until g8 for "hell", but roughly along that line of thought.
Mainly to have prolonged "Ooooh, something new!" in the game.

Intending to do this by putting the various oxps in, errm, "metafolders" : always.oxp, g1.oxp, g2.oxp and so on.
Then either quick&easy adding or removing meta-oxp-folders when gal.-hyperjumping, or maybe actually learn to script - though I have my doubts about this becoming reality. :|

Ah, sorry, back to topic :oops:

edit - oh, yes, me too am a fan of cargo_wrecks_teaser and pods
2 days ago I scooped another ton of used handkerchiefs :lol:

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:26 pm
by maik
Sounds interesting! Some sort of level mechanism, only that after level 8 it's back to level 1 ;-)

Re: mind boggling

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:42 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
There isn't a limit on the number of oxps that can be run. I personally have had 150+ in my folder at one point. But only install them a few at a time, and only if you know what you're expecting. Ship oxps are generally fairly safe to install, although some contain ships armed to the teeth that can kill a Jameson before he has time to blink. As for equipment, tough missiles can be used against you, as well as by you. And there are many oxps which change the whole background and feel of the Ooniverse.

Never feel that you have too many, if what you choose fits with how you want your Ooniverse to evolve and you're happy with it. But as the others have said, don't install too many at a time, read the wiki pages and ReadMe files first so you know exactly what it is you're getting into, and begin slowly with eye candy.