[REL] Firefly (Serenity)

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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Hotblack's-stuntship »

This is one of the most beautiful ships in oolite. I made a few personal modifications in addition to calling it a firefly. Reading the specs I adjusted the cargo to 150 / 2 = 75 tons. Then I killed the witchspace drive, all weapons including missles. Took off pirate roll since boarding another ship isn't possible yet. Then using my unrealistic shipyard calculator pegged it's new value at 94,900 credits.

Then I tried to dock it in a constore, black monks, hauler. Exploded. I don't want to use docking computers because they're too slow...

I don't think I'll stay with this ship for too long, SHE'S JUST TOO BIG CAPTAIN! But she is one mother-of-a-mover.

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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by ozhank »

Great ship, never saw the show (yet). How can I add some nav lights?
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Smivs »

ozhank wrote:
How can I add some nav lights?
All my ship OXPs (except YellOo Cabs) have flashing red and green navigation lights, so if you mean those it might help to take a look under the hood of one of these. I do not have the Firefly OXP installed but here are some general directions that should apply to all ships.
You will need to work out where the lights go on the diffuse_map (texture), and add a smallish dot of red and green in the correct position, plus a white spot for the rear lamp.
They will also need to be added to the emission_map in exactly the same position - this will make them actually light up/glow.
To get them flashing you will need to add flashers to the shipdata.plist, again in the correct position. These are detailed on the Wiki here. Again take a look at one of my ship OXPs for examples.
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by ozhank »

Thank you for your assistance. I shall start doing some mechanicing - be a change from the bobcat motor!
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Doug Stuart »

"fastest ship from here to Boros , if you've got the money."
Thank You Staer9:
As a dyed in the wool, to my last breath browncoat there aren't enough words to thank you for this contribution to my "verse".
She's beautiful and now she's "Still Flyin" .
I just need to make her a non-combatant type like a shuttle or a worm as there is no way in hell I could EVER fire on Serenity! Nor do I want to fly her (She's a Lover not a Fighter) and I don't spend that much time looking at my own ship.
But to see her launch from a station is a joy that almost brings tears to my eyes.
Thanks. (read that as Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!)
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Diziet Sma »


I was wondering how long it would be before you discovered her.. :lol:
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Doug Stuart »

When I think of all the time and talent you put into that firefly, and all I had to do was download and a few clicks of a mouse, I feel like I stole her from you. :(
But then isn't that what Malcohm Reynolds was known for? :D

P.S. Diz, I thought that would make you grin. :wink:
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by demon59 »

I downloaded this a few weeks back. Beautiful modelling job! However, with only 2t of cargo space and no permanent passenger cabins, it didn't seem a practical choice for basic freight/passenger hauling.

Ah, but this is Oolite, if I'm not quite satisfied with something, I can just "tweak" it a bit (just one cookie couldn't possibly hurt...), right? :roll:

Of course, I only wanted to tweak it, not turn it into a tardis, so I went to the wiki to review the specs and compare sizes to other ships in the Ooniverse. No joy. No specs listed anywhere that I can find. The "read me" says this is a test release, so does this mean no wiki page, or am I simply having a senior moment and overlooking it? :)
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Smivs »

what you want is easy to do. Open the Config folder in the OXP and find the shipdata,plist. Open this with a text editor - not notepad though as that breaks things.
Go to the player version and look for the line defining the cargo.

Code: Select all

max_cargo = 2;
I expect it says 2 as above. If you change that to say 10, you can install a passenger berth and have 5TC of cargo space. Save the file.
You will need to flush the cache to get it working, so when you start the game, hold down the 'shift' key until you see the spinning Cobra.
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by demon59 »

Many thanks, Smivs. That should do the trick.
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by SteveKing »

That is one hansome ship - and one great job.

When I looked at the set of images in the first post though and saw Firefly firing a laser, I was struck by the thought that it looked a bit like how I would imagine K-9 would look if he strapped on a couple of rockets :D

Yep, I'd have to say Serenity looks best without lasers coming out of any orifice. As Doug says:
Doug Stuart wrote:
I just need to make her a non-combatant type like a shuttle or a worm as there is no way in hell I could EVER fire on Serenity! Nor do I want to fly her (She's a Lover not a Fighter)...
The Ooniverse is truly a beautiful place... but I'm sure someone has already said that :)
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Diziet Sma »

SteveKing wrote:
When I looked at the set of images in the first post though and saw Firefly firing a laser, I was struck by the thought that it looked a bit like how I would imagine K-9 would look if he strapped on a couple of rockets :D
I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one that thought has occurred to.. :mrgreen: :lol:
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by spud42 »

Diziet Sma wrote:
SteveKing wrote:
When I looked at the set of images in the first post though and saw Firefly firing a laser, I was struck by the thought that it looked a bit like how I would imagine K-9 would look if he strapped on a couple of rockets :D
I am SO glad to know I'm not the only one that thought has occurred to.. :mrgreen: :lol:
not until he opened his trap.... lol now all i can see is K-9 firing his laser from his nose... only missing the small tube and the antenna dish ears...lol
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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Sgeulaiche »

According to my calculations, and using the Serenity specs (62m x 28m x 115m | 147TC | 36 Passengers) and Oolite Ananconda specs (75m x 60m x 170m | 750TC | 0 Passengers), the Firefly class would have 195TC without passenger cabins. Also, that would make a Firefly class ship the second largest freight ship in the Ooniverse (assuming no extra OXPs have been added).

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Re: [REL] Firefly (Serenity)

Post by Smivs »

Hi Sgeulaiche, and welcome to the Board.
Also welcome to the completely incomprehensible world of Oolite scale, and the hoops people have to jump through to get non-Oolite ships into the game :lol:
Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
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