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segmentation fault / silent quit during start v1.77 - ubuntu

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:01 pm
by sidewinder
Just installed oolite v1.75.3 from the ubuntu Software Center.
When I try and launch it normally, it opens a blank window then fails silently.

The log didn't seem to have anything like an error in it.

I then installed v1.77.0 (from the website.)
And when I run 1.77 from the terminal, I get
Segmentation fault
Erk. It looks like Oolite-trunk died with an error. When making an error
report, please copy + paste the log above into the report.
I'd really like to try oolite out! Can anyone help?
Oh, and use simple words. I am a geek, but a windows-geek and I'm still finding my way around linux.

Re: segmentation fault / silent quit during start v1.77 - ub

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:51 am
by Cody
Hi sidewinder and welcome.

Sorry, but I'm a Windows man and know zilch about Linux... but did you try Oolite 1.76 from the Linux section here.

Re: segmentation fault / silent quit during start v1.77 - ub

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:08 am
by sidewinder
Wooooo you fixed it!

Ok, so in conclusion - I probably did something wrong when installing 1.77.
And ubuntu 1.75 was - for some reason - broken, but this was resolved for me by installing 1.76.


Re: segmentation fault / silent quit during start v1.77 - ub

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:10 am
by Capt. Murphy
1.76 is the current stable release.

1.77 releases are nightly builds of the current source code and Ahruman is doing voodoo with the graphics code at the minute so they are best avoided unless you want to assist with testing the changes being made.....At some point I'd imagine there will be a relatively stable 1.77 test release suitable for general consumption.

Re: segmentation fault / silent quit during start v1.77 - ub

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:13 am
by another_commander
sidewinder: Note that 1.77 is the version number of what we currently have for development. It is by no means a stable version and, although we do welcome error reports related to that, we do not officially support it. If you are using it for gameplay and encounter problems, feel free to report them, but until someone does something about it you are basically on your own. If not interested in testing and bug reporting, using the officially supported stable v1.76 for normal gameplay is the way to go.

BTW, you can drop 1.75.x completely. Don't worry about it anymore, it is not supported.

Edit: Aaaannnndd... ninja'd!

Re: segmentation fault / silent quit during start v1.77 - ub

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:30 am
by Kaks
It could be a graphic driver issue. As the others have already said, first of all get 1.76 ( from ) then try and launch oolite without the splash screen, ( add a -nosplash option after the name of the executable ) which has been causing a few problems for some configurations, though we're still not quite sure why...

In any case, it'd be great if you could let us know which version of ubuntu you're running, which graphic subsystem you're using, and the contents of Oolite's Latest.log ( should be inside ~/.Oolite/Logs ), if any!

That should give us a better chance to try and replicate your problem, and hopefully solve it! :)

