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uGotToBeF...Kidding me..

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:37 pm
by Frame
Got a New PC in the beginning of this year, and thought i try one of those new games,
namely Battlefield 3..

Played through the the first part and that was so cool
now this is



Anti aliasing is off, this is in windowed mode, since i got "the fullscreen bug", but with a different twist.. significant drop in frame rates.. even though it should be a walk in the park for this combo of GFX cards on this Machine..

But alas, I'll manage after so many years on a p4 2,8 Ghz with an HD2600XT.

I can Only recommend the AMD A8 FUSION 5850 + a discreet GFX card like the HD6550HD.

EDIT got onboard
