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Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:59 am
by canineworld
Greetings all - have just found Oolite and super chuffed to be back in space :)

Anyhoo, whilst am blown away with the development of the game, am struggling to get back into the fold and also with the use of OXP's :) Game play is fine, I just need the practice and had forgotten how naff the pulse lasers are - takes FOREVER to blow stuff up :(

First question - are OXP's only able to run one at a time? For example, have downloaded a new HUD but also want to utilise the Lave Academy - at the moment, I only get to run one or the other?!

Also, when I select the Menu - Expansion Packs option from the menu, nothing happens.

Am running on a MacBook Pro with OS Lion.

Appreciate some newbie guidance and am looking forward to regaining my Elite status..... damn the 80's were good!

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:50 am
by Cmdr. Maegil
Welcome to the Friendliest Board This Side of Riedquat, Commander.

You can use as many OXPs you wish, the limit being your machine's processing power; they are almost all compatible, or have a caveat about which other OXPs they are incompatible with (unless you're the first to discover a problem, but that's another matter). The exception are the HUDs, which you can only have one at a time.
It can also happen that the OXP not only isn't incompatible, but it actually needs others installed to work at all, and some few OXPs are even configurable - but don't worry, you'll find more about these issues on each OXP's wiki article or in the readme files.

To install your OXPs, you have to find the folder OXPNAME.oxp inside the downloaded file, and drop it in the folder Oolite\AddOns.
looking forward to regaining my Elite status..... damn the 80's were good!
Have fun, Commander. The Oolite community is always pushing the envelope, trying to allow in this game all we ever wanted to see in Elite (Generation Ships already exist in an OXP; I don't doubt eventually someone will do one about finding Raxxla) and much, much more...

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:02 am
by maik
Welcome, canineworld! If you haven't found it yet: check out the general Wiki page on OXPs, it explains the installation procedure amongst other things: [wiki]OXP[/wiki].

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:48 am
by Wildeblood
canineworld wrote:
First question - are OXP's only able to run one at a time? For example, have downloaded a new HUD but also want to utilise the Lave Academy - at the moment, I only get to run one or the other?!
I suspect there might be a bug in Lave Academy that has only appeared since 1.76. I recently saw a bunch of messages in my log file about it being unable to spawn ships for some reason that was not disclosed. Then again, perhaps it just couldn't find room among all the other stations.

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:00 am
by Thargoid
I'm not seeing any bugs in the logs for LA, but I'll give it a check-over next time I have chance. It certainly won't have problems in launching ships given the size of it's dock, but it does use a special technique for docking which is a little "unusual".

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:38 am
by Wildeblood
No, not launching ships, spawning ships on system set-up. I didn't realize there was (or was meant to be) an Academy in the system until I'd finished playing and checked the log later. There was a series of "could not spawn ship..." messages for all the buoys near the academy. I don't know whether the station itself spawned correctly or not.

Your this.setUpSystem function uses code like this:-

Code: Select all

		if(this.wayBuoyArray.length == 0)
			this.wayBuoyArray = system.shipsWithPrimaryRole("laveAcademy_wayBuoy");	

		this.wayBuoy = this.wayBuoyArray[0];		
		this.wayBuoy.position = system.mainStation.position.add([0,20000,0]);
If I'm understanding that correctly, the ships are spawned (somewhere) then moved to their correct positions. I don't know how the legacy_spawnShip method works - I suspect it was trying to spawn them inside a planet or something, and failing?

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:54 am
by Thargoid
Correct on how it works, although I can re-write the code now to be better, as we have the newer way of spawning things (the script pre-dates that).

I presume these are the errors you mean:

Code: Select all

10:48:28.015 [universe.spawnShip.error]: ***** ERROR: ***** ERROR: failed to find a spawn position for ship laveAcademy_academy.
10:48:28.022 [universe.spawnShip.error]: ***** ERROR: ***** ERROR: failed to find a spawn position for ship laveAcademy_wayBuoy.
10:48:28.313 [universe.spawnShip.error]: ***** ERROR: ***** ERROR: failed to find a spawn position for ship laveAcademy_targetBuoy.
10:48:28.406 [universe.spawnShip.error]: ***** ERROR: ***** ERROR: failed to find a spawn position for ship laveAcademy_dockingBuoy.
10:48:28.532 [universe.spawnShip.error]: ***** ERROR: ***** ERROR: failed to find a spawn position for ship laveAcademy_pilotBuoy.
It's a bit odd, as the station and buoys are spawning (and in their correct places). Anyway I'll look at the script to update it to use the newer spawning method and sort things out. But everything seems to be working properly anyway, despite the log errors.

But thanks for the heads-up.

editted to add - script sorted - new version 1.31 uploaded with the fix to remove the log errors.[/color]

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:28 pm
by Kaks
canineworld wrote:
Also, when I select the Menu - Expansion Packs option from the menu, nothing happens.
Stange, that's a shortcut to the 'AddOns' directory where your expansion packs are 'living'... It should open up a finder window, allowing you to drag and drop .OXPs to the right location.

As the others said, there's no limits on how many oxps you can put there, and quite a few of us have at least 15-20 oxps in there, working fairly well with each other - and some have considerably more oxps than that running at the same time... :)

Once you've installed your oxps by placing them in the AddOns directory you'll need to exit and restart Oolite for your changes to take effect!

Oh, and welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat(tm)! :)

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:40 pm
by JazHaz
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
I don't doubt eventually someone will do one about finding Raxxla
Got an idea about this, given the idea that Raxxla is a time portal - © Drew Wagar - finding it would set the game into strict mode, and graphics into wireframes, a la Classic Elite 1984! 8)

Edit: don't think that's really doable, but it would be cool.

Re: Newbie Jameson needs assistance!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:00 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
JazHaz wrote:
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
I don't doubt eventually someone will do one about finding Raxxla
Got an idea about this, given the idea that Raxxla is a time portal - © Drew Wagar - finding it would set the game into strict mode, and graphics into wireframes, a la Classic Elite 1984
...while flying a completely futuristic ship - soon being marked as a time traveller, and chased by everybody, from the military for your ship's technology and a thorough "synaptic debriefing", to small traders for tomorrow's stock prices :twisted: ... Oops!
Now, where did Raxxla disappear to - oh, yes, it moves about... :lol:

Maybe the Dark Wheel might help... :wink: