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OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:52 pm
by maaarcooose
I have now re-written OOliteInfo to be cross platform, using Python and wxwidgets.

Please download and report and bugs/problems to me.



Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:46 pm
by Eric Walch
It works well on my mac under OSX 10.6.

Not initially because the code throws an error about 32 bits mode. The error report points to the manual how to set python from 64 bit, back to 32 bit mode:

Code: Select all

defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
After that it works perfect with me.

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:21 pm
by m4r35n357
maaarcooose wrote:
Please download and report and bugs/problems to me.
Runs OK on an Ubuntu Natty (11.04) system after installing python-wxgtk2.8 and python-numpy. Nice one, thanks!

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:01 am
by Gimi
maaarcooose wrote:
I have now re-written OOliteInfo to be cross platform, using Python and wxwidgets.
Please download and report and bugs/problems to me.
I'm somewhat unfamiliar with Python, and I'm having problems running this on Windows 7, 64 bit.
I have tried using both the 2.7.1 and the 3.2.2 64bit versions of Python. I suspect that I need the 32 bit version and will try that now, or doesn't it matter. If not, Eric, where do I put that line of yours if I'm getting the same problem on Windows.

Maaarcooose, what version did you develop this with? Might be useful to include Python requirements in the zip-file and also on you web page.

Edit: Tried them all, and no joy. Py 2.7 & Py 3.2, 32bit and 64bit. Hmm. I'll test some more.

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:13 am
by Gimi
Ok, I'm exploring and learning a little.

I get a "SyntaxError, Invalid Syntax" on this piece of code. No idea why, since it works for other users.

Code: Select all

        # Add the galaxy number indicator
        self.galaxyIndicator = wx.StaticText(self, wx.TE_READONLY,"Galaxy Number: ")
        font1 = wx.Font(10,wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False, u'Arial')
        self.gButtons.Add(self.galaxyIndicator,0, wx.EXPAND)
It's the apostrophe after u'Ariel' that is highlighted in red.
When I remove it, it all goes even more wrong.

Edit: Ok, done some more testing (and learning). I get all sorts of errors and missing modules etc, so there is most likely something wrong with my installation or my skill set, the latter being more plusible. Will test more and bring back results.

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:38 am
by Eric Walch
Gimi wrote:
Eric, where do I put that line of your if I'm getting the same prolem on Windows.
On my mac was python 2.5.4 and 2.6.1 installed by default. The script ran on both. The error I get is from the internal libraries:

Code: Select all

ImportError: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/wx-2.8-mac-unicode/wx/ no appropriate 64-bit architecture (see "man python" for running in 32-bit mode)
So I guess one of the internal libraries that this script uses was not ported to 64 bit yet. Strange as snow leopard claims to be 64 bit and python was preinstalled.
This could be quite different on an other OS or with a newer version. wxwidges is not needed on the mac as that is integrated in the mac version of python since version 2.5.

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:50 am
by Gimi
Thanks Eric. I'll try and test some more. 2.7.1 32bit seems to be the best baseline to test with until I get some more information on Maaarcooose's development environment.

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:53 am
by maaarcooose
I developed it with Python 2.7.2 64bit version and a special wx widgets install for 64bit windows, as there aren't any 64 bit versions on Win7 64 Bit.

The 32bit / 64bit thing shouldn't matter though, it's not a compiled program and once you have wxwidgets installed it should work fine.

I will put up some links on the page to the windows versions of what I've installed, but as yet I haven't had a chance to test on Linux or Mac.

I'll do some tests on Linux and see what gives.

Can anyone with problems let me know what OS, version, Python version and wxwidgets version they are running?



Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:04 pm
by maaarcooose
Sorry, there are some windows dependencies to the setup.

I chose the following packages as they were a simple install that all should be able to do.
I'll setup a space on my site with downloads to them all.

Windows Python version 2.7.2 64 bit: ... .amd64.msi

WXPython 64 bit for Python 2.7: ... 1-py27.exe

Numpy (forgot about that) 1.6.1 - 64 Bit for Windows 64
It's an unofficial Windows 64 bit build available from:
Download‌exe (Don;t seem to be able to do a direct link to this file)

See how you go.


Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:14 pm
by maaarcooose
Updated website with links to 64 bit windows downloads.


Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:19 pm
by Kaks
maaarcooose wrote:
Numpy (forgot about that) 1.6.1 - 64 Bit for Windows 64
It's an unofficial Windows 64 bit build available from:
Download‌exe (Don;t seem to be able to do a direct link to this file)
Seems to be ... -py2.7.exe

but no idea if it's just a temporary address. (for firefox users, look at the downloads list & right click > copy download link)

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:18 pm
by Gimi
Thank you all, downloading all necessary files. Will resume testing when all has been installed.

Edit: With all necessary files installed, all is well on Win7 64bit. Will do the same on my Win7 32bit at home later this evening.

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:17 pm
by Gimi
Have now got this up and running on my 32bit Win7 machine as well. It's quite cumbersome to get this up and going on windows, requires a lot of Python packages. Seems to be much easier and more elegant on Mac's and Linux. Are Python files difficult to compile into executables on Windows? Will Additional coding be required?

Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:08 am
by maaarcooose
Not sure about packing up python stuff.
It's still something I need to learn how to do.

How many packages did you need on 32 bit windows? Should only be python, wxpython and numpy.

When I have a bit more time, I'm going to try making an rpm, deb, dmg, exe and maybe others.
Attraction for the next release.
I'm already thinking about putting in planet images instead of just circles.
I need to have a closer look at the main oolite code to see how the planet image is picked and match up in ooliteinfo.
So many ideas at the moment.


Re: OOLiteInfo v0.2 Released.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:20 am
by Gimi
maaarcooose wrote:
Not sure about packing up python stuff.
It's still something I need to learn how to do.
When I have a bit more time, I'm going to try making an rpm, deb, dmg, exe and maybe others.
Attraction for the next release.
I'm already thinking about putting in planet images instead of just circles.
I need to have a closer look at the main oolite code to see how the planet image is picked and match up in ooliteinfo.
So many ideas at the moment.
Thanks, and please prioritise functionality and features in OOliteInfo over lazy windoze users like myself. I would much rather have more features. I took it upon myself to get the py version of the debug console to run as well, and that required even more packages and learning what .egg packages are, so I probably have myself to blame.

I like your idea about planet images. If that turns out to be impossible or impractical, just terminating the trade routes underneath the current red circles will make it look at lot tidier when zoomed in. Also, making the circles slightly smaller then they are currently would help.

Good work, this makes my setup look nice when I have this on my right screen, Oolite running in the middle and the Wiki or IRC chat on the right screen. :D