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Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:55 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Split are the request of JazHaz from his GalNavy problem thread
Yodeebe wrote:
"Oooh, look, I just found a ship with the keys still in the ignition!" :mrgreen:
Now there's a good oxp suggestion: "Grand Theft Oolite". :lol:

Ships appear occasionally/randomly, more often in anarchy systems, in the shipyard with a price of zero and name like "adder(keys in ignition)" or "Fer-de-Lance(open, engines running). When you buy(steal) it you have "60 Seconds" to launch before a mission screen starts with either the galcops apprehending you or the owner walks in and beats the living crap out of you. After you launch you become a fugitive with maximum bounty and the main objective becomes surviving until your bounty clears. Add mission generated vipers out to get you with APB's warning everyone to be on the lookout, this could be an interesting challenge as even a lowly worm attacks you while radioing the cops that show up 30 seconds later. :lol:

The same methods could allow you to sneak onto a ship and start a mission screen which if possible places you at some other system and you choose by shipyard to purchase a new ship or a few minutes later the mission screen starts and you end up in a new system again. Damn stowaways, <cue player>. :lol:

Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:24 pm
by RyanHoots
How about, when you dock at an anarchy, there's a chance the mission will start. The mission screen says you find a luxury Fer-de-Lance, door open, pilot drunk in the local bar. You go in, and get to the controls. You get to a screen asking for the ship's password. Enter "password", and you've got a new Fer-de-Lance, complete with some cargo and a nice big bounty. :D
Time to flee... :twisted:

Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:49 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
RyanHoots wrote:
How about, when you dock at an anarchy, there's a chance the mission will start. The mission screen says you find a luxury Fer-de-Lance, door open, pilot drunk in the local bar. You go in, and get to the controls. You get to a screen asking for the ship's password. Enter "password", and you've got a new Fer-de-Lance, complete with some cargo and a nice big bounty. :D
Time to flee... :twisted:
As long as the mission screen starts after you "purchase" the ship for 0 credits you could have any kind of interesting events and setups unfold. You just have to go along with what the game allows you to do, switch ships by purchase at the shipyard. Now get creative. :D

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:15 am
by Killer Wolf
1) should be a random chance that you dock, message screen says "as you go to drop your manifest in at port control, someone steals your ship. Press space, Commander".
2) You steal a nice Dominatrix. Unfortunately, the owner took out Isis Interstellar's "Recovery or Retribution" cover, and no matter where you go there will be at LEAST one Diamondback on your ass. manage to dock and you can give up the ship w/ a big fine, otherwise you're toast.
3) Sameish type thing can be done if you happent to accidentally steal the ride of a local crime boss/gang leader. Chased by the gang to get their ship back, or chased by ANOTHER gang cos you're ship's got the other gang's colours on it.

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:26 am
by Switeck
Killer Wolf wrote:
2) You steal a nice Dominatrix. Unfortunately, the owner took out Isis Interstellar's "Recovery or Retribution" cover, and no matter where you go there will be at LEAST one Diamondback on your ass. manage to dock and you can give up the ship w/ a big fine, otherwise you're toast.
"Recovery or Retribution" could also mean you launch and the ship self-destructs...or punts you out in the escape pod.

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:53 am
by Killer Wolf
self-destruct would kinda negate the "recovery" bit of the clause! could give you a 10 second countdown to hit the eject yourself tho, if it didn't detect an eject the ship would blow.

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:55 pm
by BuggyBY
Would it be possible that a ship stolen in this way also has a 60% or so chance of radioing the police itself upon launch? Either that or an automatic trigger of the aft laser (if available) when you exit the docking bay ...

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:15 pm
by Diziet Sma
Switeck wrote:
"Recovery or Retribution" could also mean you launch and the ship self-destructs...or punts you out in the escape pod.
Which the anti-theft system has reprogrammed to dump you into the sun.. :twisted:

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:31 pm
by Solonar
I observed that one of the billboards of the YAH adverts reads "Grand Theft Astro"

Re: Grand Theft Oolite

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:59 am
by Fatleaf
Diziet Sma wrote:
Which the anti-theft system has reprogrammed to dump you into the sun.. :twisted:
I don't think Disembodied would be happy about that suggestion :wink: