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Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:51 pm
by Rustybolts
An old fan of Oolite dropping by to show you a game myself and Brandon Smith our lead and programmer have been working on.

Ensign 1 now has a kickstarter campaign

About this project

Space Combat With a Twist

Imagine you're gripped in the heat of a space dogfight, and your side is losing. In the distance, you notice a large asteroid which everyone else has been too distracted to explore. With nothing to lose, you leave the battlezone to check it out. Hidden behind the rock is a derelict battle cruiser which you decide to dock on and explore. The ship is overrun with some kind of alien infestation, but you dispatch of the insect like creatures and quickly find the bridge. After powering up the ship, you find that it's powerful weapons are still in tact, and that it just might be enough to turn the battle...

Or perhaps you find yourself in a different battle between two factions fighting over control of a pirate base. You're able to get there first and land in one of the docking areas. You quickly exit your ship and run to the nearest set of turret pods. From there you're able to effortlessly destroy any enemies in the vicinity.

Gameplay like that is what we're trying to capture in Ensign 1. We'd like it to be an immersive multiplayer space combat game that allows players to leave their ships and explore, even pilot much larger space cruisers. Ensign 1 will be available for Windows and Linux.
Our Team

As ambitious as the project is, creating my own 3D game engines from scratch is what I excel at, and something that I have years of hobby experience in. The project is still very early in development, with the main features of the game engine still being written. It is being co-created with one other core team member (Kevin Pears of, who is an extremely talented 3D artist and level designer.

How Donations Will Be Used

The money here will be used to help us get the game to a point where it could be sold in alpha-funding. We'll need to create a few single player missions progressing from destroying a few enemy fighters to invading an alien space cruiser. We'll also be working on providing a couple of multiplayer arenas.
We're hoping after that we will be able to support ourselves from there. Any help you can provide us with to get us there is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
Kickstarter page: ... t-ensign-1
Youtube Vid ... er%20Video
Indiedb page

Re: Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:14 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Hi Rustybolts - interesting concept.

I quite like it - very stylised - but it's a style I like.

I'm skint at the moment but will see if I've got any cash left by next pay day. I've posted the link to my Facebook page.

Re: Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:21 pm
by Rustybolts
Thanks for your support DaddyHoggy! Boy its been a while nice to see a familiar face (errm username).
Glad you like it in its early form.

Re: Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:06 pm
by Rustybolts
Well so far we have had 3 backers reaching $58 unfortunately this is only 5% of our funding which we must reach or we get nothing :(
Ill keep you guys posted of how we do.

Re: Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:55 pm
by Rustybolts
Just thought it looked nice so thought id post it. :D

Re: Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:47 am
by Killer Wolf
that's looking pretty damn cool.

Re: Ensign 1 kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:14 pm
by Rustybolts
Cheers! Only very early days yet, plenty of work ahead of us