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Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:24 pm
by Disembodied
Space Wolf – a short cartoon mashup of SF and horror by Grickle.

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:48 pm
by snork
Happy Halloween !

lol, I (once again) forgot about it, and had no sweets or such in the house when the children rang the doorbell. :oops:
(Here Halloween is a freshly imported custom, so not so present on us old farts' minds)

But the Pirate, Frankenstein's Bride and the Princess were very nice and left me a Turkish candy bar and two mandarines. 8)

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:33 pm
by Yodeebe
haha, liked 'Spacewolf'.

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:55 am
by CommonSenseOTB
Very halloweenish. That was the cheap suit I guess. :lol:

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:28 am
by Selezen
I refuse to answer the door to "trick or treaters" for a variety of reasons. This year I have one more reason to hate the concept. One of the groups decided that since no-one answered and there were obviously people in, they would just open the door and come in and have a look.

A few choice swear words ensued.

More proof (if I needed it) that I need to get one of those "NO TRICK OR TREATERS" signs for the door next year.

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:47 am
by Smivs
Being a miserable old git, I stuck a 'No trick or Treats' sign on the door, and someone nicked it!

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:13 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Smivs wrote:
Being a miserable old git, I stuck a 'No trick or Treats' sign on the door, and someone nicked it!
Next year just grab yourself a free lunch! :lol:


Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:35 pm
by Selezen
I shared my trick or treat dream with my son on the 30th, and he about died laughing.

It's a bit disgusting, but Oh, would it be fun.

Requirements: one cat + litter tray.

You know where this is going.

Eat lots of sweets and keep the wrappers. Wait for a nice full litter tray. Wear protective gloves and put the "offending items" in the wrappers, seal up right nice and put them all in a hollowed out pumpkin bowl (that you won't need any more) and there you have the ideal "treat" for those little tykes.

Either you won't get trick or treaters EVER again, or they'll set fire to your house.

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:16 pm
by Smivs

Re: Happy Haollowe'en!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:16 pm
by Killer Wolf
i was up in Glasgow at the Alice Cooper concert. it was effing smoking. helped in no little amount by a lot of girlies wandering around in outfits.