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Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:40 pm
by davemar
I've been in galaxy 4 for quite a while now, and I've got the Deposed and Trident Down OXPs installed. Both these appear to underway, though I admit I'm getting a bit stuck with those (I'll come to that in a bit). But there has been no sign of the Nova mission kicking in. Do these other two missions have to be completed before Nova starts?

In the Deposed mission I have dispatched a fair number of the pirates in the planets around Edorqu, but haven't seen any in ages. Its like its come to a standstill?

In Trident Down I've visited Leisera, and the other two planets where you're supposed to report the news; but there's nothing after that really. I've been back to Raacedat and Dicebe who are supposed to be at each other, but nothing in popping up in my 'page 5' screen mission notes. So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next.

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:25 pm
by Eric Walch
davemar wrote:
I've been in galaxy 4 for quite a while now, and I've got the Deposed and Trident Down OXPs installed. Both these appear to underway, though I admit I'm getting a bit stuck with those (I'll come to that in a bit). But there has been no sign of the Nova mission kicking in.
The nova mission more or less spoils the deposed mission (and the trident down mission) Therefor has deposed code that keeps postponing the nova mission until it will no longer spoil the deposed mission. I advise to first finish the Trident down missions.

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:31 pm
by JazHaz
Also the nova mission doesn't start unless you have a galactic hyperdrive installed, as far as I remember.

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:42 pm
by davemar
OK, I'll carry on with Trident Down. As it happens something new did pop up where I was told to go back to Raceedat and wipe out the ATU. Trouble is, I've got there, but no sign of the ATU. I've seen and destroyed the big ISS thingy, but apart from the odd Police attack, not a lot. Even docked with the space station with no signs of anything. Am I missing something?

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:44 pm
by Ramirez
Do you have Saleza Aeronautics installed? Most of the enemy ships for this part of the mission are taken from that OXP. If you install this and go back to Raceedat, you should be able to find and engage the enemy task force.

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:31 pm
by davemar
That was my problem, didn't have Saleza installed. So I installed that OXP and the ships did appear, I wiped them all out (or so I assume) but still haven't received any message confirming I've done so. My mission list still says I need to go to Raceedat to deal with them, but when I go back there (hyperspacing out and back in again) there's no sign of any enemy ships. I wonder whether I confused it?
I did use an energy bomb to dispatch most of them, maybe that confused it?

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:27 pm
by Ramirez
That may have confused things a little. You should have received a comms message when you destroyed the fifth bomber telling you to get yourself to safety. Can you open up your save game in a text editor and check what the entry is under <key>mission_trident_down</key>?

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:54 pm
by davemar
I must learn to be patient....
I've now completed the mission. Ker-ching!!!

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:00 pm
by pepak
I may be stuck at the same place as the OP: I am playing Deposed and right at the moment I am supposed to destroy the pirates in the vicinity of Edorqu, then return to Esarqure when finished. The trouble is, I can't seem to find the right pirates - I have blasted a number of them to dust, including several flying my old nemesis the Hydra, but whenever I fly back to Esarqure, the game fails to do anything, which presumably means I didn't kill the right bastards yet. So, any suggestions on how to find them?

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:17 pm
by StathisR
pepak wrote:
I may be stuck at the same place as the OP: I am playing Deposed and right at the moment I am supposed to destroy the pirates in the vicinity of Edorqu, then return to Esarqure when finished. The trouble is, I can't seem to find the right pirates - I have blasted a number of them to dust, including several flying my old nemesis the Hydra, but whenever I fly back to Esarqure, the game fails to do anything, which presumably means I didn't kill the right bastards yet. So, any suggestions on how to find them?
Have a look at this post ... it=deposed

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:05 pm
by pepak
I will. I managed to crack the language already, but it is pain in the ass to transcribe manually. Is there a favorite ROT-13 implementation on these forum or does everyone use a different one?

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:07 pm
by pepak
Never mind. Found one.

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:58 pm
by Eric Walch
pepak wrote:
Is there a favorite ROT-13 implementation on these forum or does everyone use a different one?
As programmer you don't go to webpages that translate it for you, but you choose one of these rot-13 conversions :wink:

e.g. When reading this bb when Oolite and the debug console is running, define the rot function in the console with:

Code: Select all

this.rot13 = function (c) {    return c.replace(/([a-m])|([n-z])/ig, function($0,$1,$2) {
        return String.fromCharCode($1 ? $1.charCodeAt(0) + 13 : $2 ? $2.charCodeAt(0) - 13 : 0) || $0;
And than you can convert any text with:

Code: Select all

rot13 ("myText")

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:48 pm
by SandJ
Eric Walch wrote:
As programmer you don't go to webpages that translate it for you, but you choose one of these rot-13 conversions :wink:
:shock: Wot? No QuickBASIC version? :mrgreen:

Re: Nova, Deposed and Trident missions.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:47 pm
by Tricky