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BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:46 am
by Rxke ... m_id=37450

So oolite is going to have to find a new home....

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:13 pm
by DaddyHoggy
End of an era...

I do find it an odd choice of wording that they fully support OSS and that OSS is the future of integrate IT and yet they're still going to pull the plug - finances speak louder than principles I guess.

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:24 pm
by Fatleaf
So is there any idea as to where Oolite will end up? Or is a plan being formulated?

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:12 pm
by Ironfist
Do we need to start thinking about how we might need to edit a whole load of stuff to stop broken links etc.


Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:14 am
by Corny
What about sourceforge?

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:53 am
by Gimi
Not that I'm worried, I'm sure the developers already have a plan for this, but what is the status for moving the project? Are there any menial tasks that non-programmers like myself, and others I'm sure, can assist with.

Also, might I suggest that this thread is moved to one of the development forums, as this probably has more to do with development of Oolite. Suggestion Box, Testing and Bug Reports or Porting to other Platforms are probably likely candidates. I would suggest the latter, it's underused at the moment, and the source is being "ported" to another development "platform".

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:41 am
by rion
my preferences:

1) github
2) googlecode (from time to time its repos are down for a short time)
3) sourceforge (bad forum, no wiki, slow interface, stupid bug tracker)

I'd also looked at but don't have projects on:
2) (interface a bit complicated, not everyone likes bazaar vcs)

PS since I'm maintaining gentoo ebuild it would be nice if you notify me when decided

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:15 am
by Capt. Murphy
Good news?
Dear BerliOS developers and users,

Since announcing that Fraunhofer FOKUS is forced to discontinue to operate BerliOS we have received numerous rescue proposals. Today, we are pleased to announce that the BerliOS platform can continue to exist. Still in November 2011 a non-profit association will be founded, whose aim is the operation and further development of the BerliOS platform.

The association shall be operated by volunteers that are interested in a free platform and whish that important basic functions of BerliOS as a hosting portal for OSS-projects remain alive. The core of BerliOS ( is not limited and shall be operated by the association in its present form.

Become a member of the club, take responsibility for BerliOS and donate your performance. You'll find all information on the foundation of the association on the mailing list: ... ios-verein. ... m_id=37533

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:12 pm
by Rxke
8) Fraunhofer, aren't those the same people behind LibreOffice?

Re: BerliOS going down at the end of this year!

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:06 pm
by Eric Walch
February 23rd, 2012 wrote:
Since announcing that BerliOS will continue to operate, the BerliOS team has worked hard to improve the portal. Among the technical improvements at BerliOS is the new NFS file server with increased storage capacity. The transfer of other services to the new hardware is in progress. In addition, automatic snapshots were introduced, so that accidentally deleted files can be restored easily by the user. Snaphots are available every hour, every week and every month under /net/nfs-bd/vol1/.zfs/snapshot.

In order to guarantee safe operation and maintain download availability to the user, BerliOS needed mirror servers. For this purpose, a cooperation agreement was signed with SourceForge. The main focus of the collaboration is to utilize SourceForge?s global mirror network for BerliOS downloads.
They are busy making changes. Thursday I became connection problems because of the changes and had to reconfigure things. Xcode was not very helpful with its message of a connection problem. But looking today in the system log of my mac showed very clearly what was happening.